Together We BLOOM – MS Collaborative Art Installation

Art helps us communicate our values.

On display now in the MS/HS cafeteria is a collaborative art installation project which invited everyone in Middle School to express their unique voice. On enlarged bookmarks, students considered how color, line, words, and messages could show their unique voices and communicate to others that they are welcome and belong, that we are all part of this ISB Middle School community.

The silver tape on each bookmark serves as a common thread through all the individual pieces. It visually represents that who we are and how we act is a reflection of our ISB Middle School community and our shared values. A single bell hangs from the bottom of each bookmark. The sounds made by one bell may be quiet, but many together produce a stronger sound, symbolizing how our ISB community is stronger together. At ISB we value care, courage, and respect.

Art helps us make meaning of our lives.

The Middle School Arts Council and GSA wanted to recognize this has been a challenging start to the school year. It’s important for all of us to make sure everyone in our community feels seen, heard, accepted, and respected. We are all stronger together. This installation serves as a visual representation and reminder of our shared values. We are a community where everyone has a voice. Everyone is valued. Everyone belongs.

A huge thank you to the many hands and hearts behind this project, including: K. Nan, K. Namwan, K. Arintra, K. Aor, K. Lert, K. MJ, K. Neoy, Marc De Vries, K. Apple, K. Yok, K. Thattien, and the B&G Staff.

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