Summer Programs and Teacher Prep Time

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

As we wind down the school year, our teachers are incredibly busy with completing grading on final assessments for the term and finishing grades and Advisory comments for report cards. This is an important task for teachers which demands their attention and time. 

We share this because some students are now coming to teachers asking for recommendation letters for summer programs, with the application portals opening later this month. In order for teachers to do a good job and represent ISB and the student positively, our teachers need time to write these. They also need time for their holidays to recharge so that they can be the best versions of themselves when with students. 

It has been our experience with summer programs that while they emphasize early submission of applications, we have never seen them turn down an applicant in January. These programs are still accepting students (and their money) well into the later months of February and March (and even into the start of summer).

With all of this in mind, our teachers will prepare these recommendation letters in January, after they return from the holiday. To ask them to do this amidst all the grading and closure of the school year, next week, would lead to a poor quality recommendation. And we will not ask teachers to do this during their well-earned holiday.

For those that require these recommendations, thank you for your patience and understanding so that we can best support your child with a quality recommendation.

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