NOTES & BOLTS: News about The Arts at ISB

While a number of arts events have been postponed or canceled due to the recent COVID restrictions, many are still on tentatively, or will be available to share virtually at a later date (details to follow). Please see the list of what is on and off below.     

What’s On & What’s Off…
MS Exhibition “Together We Bloom” – November through December Zig-Zag Ponds
ES Festival of Lights Concert – 6:30 pm December 7th Video Concert Video Concert
ES Exhibition “Can’t You Sea @ ISB” – December 6-16 Video Exhibition Coming Soon 
MS/HS Choir Concert– 6:30 pm December 8th Video Concert 
ES/MS/HS Strings Bash – 6:30 pm December 9th Video Concert
HS Jazz Nite I – 6:30 pm December 10th Video Concert
MS/HS Band Concert – 6:30 pm December 15th Video Concert Coming Soon
HS Artists under the Stars – 6:00 pm December 16th Live Streamed

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