Leaving early for the holidays?

In Middle School (like any school) we value the time we have with students in the classroom and at school. As we have seen in recent years, the impact of in-person learning on both academics and social-emotional development is essential for students’ development. We also know to make the most of every day that we have, because global circumstances could change at any time and force us off campus again.

For these reasons, we hope that all MS students will finish out the entire term with us on campus. We end the semester with a half-day on December 17th. We also understand that families have to weigh in other priorities like extended family, access to vaccines, and possible quarantines, which might mean an earlier departure and missing some school days. ISB is not currently operating Virtual School and any worked missed would fall on the student to use online resources to ensure that assignments or assessments were completed. 

We ask that parents inform ISB as early as possible about any school days your child will miss this term or at the start of the next semester (Jan 10th). Please email your child’s counselor (colleenc@isb.ac.th or kevinn@isb.ac.th) and the principal, Mr. Harter (dennish@isb.ac.th) if your child will miss any school time.

We appreciate the partnership and clear communication between home and school so that we can best support student success.


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