After school requirements for MS students

Now that after school activities and athletics have started we want to remind parents and students about student requirements while they are on campus. Most MS activities start immediately after school ends, so students involved in those can head directly to their activity after class.

In cases where an MS student is in an activity that starts later (e.g. 3:40 PM start), MS students are required to either:

  1. go home and then return for their activity
  2. go to the library, following expectations there, until their activity starts

At this time, with COVID safety requirements, we cannot allow MS students to hang around other spaces or play areas as we cannot supervise and ensure proper mask wearing or physical distancing in all of these spaces during that time. Our teachers are often in meetings or involved in other after school activities.

Students who do not have after school activities are asked to leave campus once classes end.

We look forward to a time in the future during which greater campus access, time after school in the playgrounds, and lighter safety regulations are in place. For now, however, we need to maintain these guidelines so that students are safe and campus and activities remain open.

This information will also be shared with students through the student bulletin and in Advisory. We also appreciate parents making sure their children understand the expectations after school.

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