News from HS Counselors

Jackie Valenzuela

November is Men’s Health Awareness Month often referred to as Movember.  Last week, our student-led Men’s Mental Health group put together an incredible assembly for our entire high school student body addressing this very important topic.  Mental health challenges affect nearly 1 in 8 men (Mental Health Foundation, UK), but less than half of those who are dealing with anxiety and/or depression seek support.  Stigmas and stereotypes of traditional male roles often get in the way of seeking much needed help.  Events, such as the assembly by our students last week, are gradually changing the conversation around this very important topic.  The Men’s Mental Health group followed up this week with a message in the student bulletin to all HS students.  They said: 1) Reach out for support; 2) Talk to your parents, teachers, counselors; 3) Open up; 4) You are not alone.

We hope you are able to have conversations with your kids about their social/emotional wellbeing.  Providing a safe space for them to talk will make all the difference as they prepare to head into early adulthood.  Also, please feel free to reach out to your student’s counselor if you have any questions or concerns related to their wellbeing.

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