MS Single Page View

MS Schedule – Looking Ahead

The coming week will be another full 5-Day week, starting with Monday, November 29th as a Day 8.

Please note that in the following week, December 6th will be a school holiday, as we join Thailand in recognizing the substitute observance of Father’s Day (the Late King’s birthday is on December 5th).


Reminder to adjust for traffic and arrive at school on time 

After several weeks back on campus, we still see students arriving late due to slow traffic coming into campuses. We are looking at the bus situation to help get those to arrive sooner. For those who travel to school by other means, we ask that parents look at their children’s arrival times at school to ensure that students will be on time for school moving forward.

Middle School students are expected to be in Advisory at 7:20 AM.  Therefore we expect them to arrive to campus by 7:15 AM at the latest.

Please adjust your child’s departure times and transportation expectations so that your children will be on time.

Moving forward we will take attendance and record tardies for students who are not on time for class.

If you need to provide us information regarding attendance issues, please email, Khun Aor at:


After school requirements for MS students 

Now that after school activities and athletics have started we want to remind parents and students about student requirements while they are on campus. Most MS activities start immediately after school ends, so students involved in those can head directly to their activity after class.

In cases where an MS student is in an activity that starts later (e.g. 3:40 PM start), MS students are required to either:

  1. go home and then return for their activity
  2. go to the library, following expectations there, until their activity starts

At this time, with COVID safety requirements, we cannot allow MS students to hang around other spaces or play areas as we cannot supervise and ensure proper mask wearing or physical distancing in all of these spaces during that time. Our teachers are often in meetings or involved in other after school activities.

Students who do not have after school activities are asked to leave campus once classes end.

We look forward to a time in the future during which greater campus access, time after school in the playgrounds, and lighter safety regulations are in place. For now, however, we need to maintain these guidelines so that students are safe and campus and activities remain open.

This information will also be shared with students through the student bulletin and in Advisory. We also appreciate parents making sure their children understand the expectations after school.


Withdrawing from ISB? 

We know that this time of year means that some students are leaving ISB for new adventures and schools. In order to best support this transition, it is essential for us to know this as soon as possible.

Families who are leaving ISB at the end of the school year need to inform the school using the forms located in the ISB Parent Portal. This helps us prepare school records for your child and with planning for next year and ensure they are ready in time for the end of the year.

If your MS child(ren) is/are withdrawing from ISB, please email Khun Namwan in the MS Counseling Office at as soon as possible, so that we may help ensure the transition goes smoothly.


Spirit Week 

Monday the 29th of November to Friday the 3rd of December will be this semester’s ISB Spirit week. Spirit Week is for our entire ISB community to enjoy and we encourage everyone to get involved. Thank you to the High School Varsity Council for their organisation.

Please see the designated days below:

  • Mon (29th November) – Pajama Day
  • Tues (30th November) – Dress like a teacher
  • Wed (1st December) – Jersey Day: support your favorite sports team!
  • Thurs (2nd December) – Intercultural Day: dress to celebrate a culture you identify with or love
  • Fri (3rd December) – Black & Gold ISB Spirit Day: Show your school spirit

If you don’t want to participate in a certain day’s theme, they can always wear a school uniform, as usual.


Welcome to the Invention Center – Open Workshop! 

Welcome to the Invention Center – Open Workshop! 

We are pleased to have the workshop, digital fabrication (CNC, laser cutter, 3D printers), and robotics rooms open for G7-12 students to drop in after school daily Monday through Friday from 2:30pm to 5:00pm and BY APPOINTMENT Saturdays 8:00am to 2:00pm! Come by to discuss your project ideas and how we can support you. Scraps are available for tinkering, and we now have an easy mechanism for individuals to order and purchase new material as needed. 

Complete the safety form linked HERE, if you are ready to start creating.

Hope to see you in the Invention Center soon! 



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