Message from HS Principal

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents

As we reach the end of the first semester we have a few events to look forward to although they might not be in the format we are used to. December means concerts, performances and opportunities for our students to showcase their skills and talents in front of cheering friends and families. 

Alas due to current restrictions these events will now be either live-streamed or pre-recorded and shared with everyone. Please do read the rest of the Enews for details and timing of these events so that you are ready to join a zoom meeting or to watch a video in the comfort of your own home of our talented students. This weekend will see a handful of athletic events take place on campus and as mentioned earlier there are concerts and performances to look forward to as well. 

A reminder to please complete the survey for parents on the recent Student-Parent-teacher conferences. We had over 80% participation in the conferences, but only a handful of parents have shared feedback with us yet. Please click on the SURVEY LINK to help us improve future conferences. 

Have a wonderful weekend.
Justin Alexander
HS Principal

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