iCares ES Donation of Cuddles: December 6-10

All PreK- Grade 12 ISB students have made a commitment to give back to our Thailand community in need. One way ISB is embarking on this is through our partnership with iCare Thailand Foundation. The MS and HS students have been generously donating food throughout the semester to communities in crisis. In the ES we will support through a charitable ‘Donation of Cuddles’. 

As regions in Thailand transition into the cold season, iCare supports more than 2,000 dormitory students in government schools in the mountains of northern Thailand. For more information on the dormitories, please take a look at the iCare ‘Dorms of Hope’ project video. 


To support these children, ISB students and families are invited to donate the following needed items:

  1. Blankets. As the weather drops to 3-4 degrees at some of the dormitories, blankets are very needed and appreciated. Any blanket in good condition is welcome. 
  1. Stuffed toys. Once a year, iCare holds a special event for all children in the dormitories where the importance of education is emphasized and celebrated; many students are the first in their family to receive an education.  As many of the kids have no toys to speak of, ISB community members are invited to donate a stuffy (soft toy). 

The week of December 6-10 all elementary school students and families are invited to donate a new or gently used stuffed toy or blanket to the iCare Dorms of Hope Foundation. 

Thanks again for supporting the needs of the iCare Thailand Foundation,
iCares Letter in English
iCares Letter in Thai
iCares Letter in Mandarin
iCares Letter in Korean

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