MAP Testing – November 22 – December 3, 2021

Dear Parents,

Between November 22 and December 3, 2021, MS students will take the NWEA Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP) tests in Math and Reading.  Testing will take place during regularly scheduled Math and English classes.

The MAP test is a computer-based test that assesses students starting with a baseline question, and then adjusts subsequent questions to appropriately challenge each student.  The testing data provides a snapshot of what individual students can do at a specific point of time of the year. This information is useful to our teachers as they decide how to plan for the learning experience for their students.

There is no preparation needed for the MAP tests.  We do recommend that you get a good night’s sleep each night before your tests and that you eat a healthy breakfast before coming to school!  Everyone should bring a book to read in case you finish the test before being dismissed.


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