Message from the Principal

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your attendance in the online student parent teacher conferences over the past two days. We once again enjoyed over 80% attendance at the conferences and so far reports coming in from teachers and parents have been generally positive about the format. We would like to collect some feedback from our parents and teachers about the experience and would appreciate you taking a moment (2 minutes) to fill in this short SURVEY to help us improve future conferences. 

Wednesday is an Early Release Day with classes finishing at 1.10pm so that teachers can engage in professional learning opportunities school wide. A modified HS schedule runs on that day and students will be informed through the daily student notice messages as to the timings of lessons etc. On Friday, HS parents are invited to join an information session about the Advanced Placement program at 10.30am. We will be adding a few new AP classes in the HS alongside our IB and ISB curriculum offerings for the coming year so please come along to hear more. More details including how to register are included elsewhere in the ENews.

Have a great weekend
Justin Alexander
HS Principal

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