G12 Parents Yearbook Dedication


Dear ISB families,

Every year, parents of graduating students are given the opportunity to write a short dedication note to their child in the yearbook. Typically, parents or families write 4-5 sentences congratulating their child and submit 5-10 family photos to go along with the note.

Depending on how many photos you would like to submit, each note will cost between 2000-3000 baht which will go towards the publication of the yearbook. The note can be written in any language, however please keep in mind that these dedications will be published in the yearbook for both your child and the school community to see.

If you would like to write a dedication note to your child please complete one of the forms below by December 17th :)

If you have Google account or Gmail please use this form:
Parent Dedication Form 2022

If you do not have a Google account or Gmail please use this form:
(No Google) Parent Dedication Form 2022

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