ES e-News for November 12, 2021

No Classes on Thursday & Friday

Please be reminded that there is no school for students on Parent Student Teacher Conference days on November 18 and 19. 

Virtual Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences Update

We look forward to sharing your child’s learning progress with you as part of the upcoming November 18 & 19 conferences on Zoom! 

Please be reminded that there is no school for students on these days.

Pick-A-Time, our conference scheduler, will close Monday, November 15 at 2:00 PM.  If you wish to add or change a conference appointment after Pick-A-Time has closed, please contact Khun Tom in the ES Office: The information letter explaining how to use Pick-A-Time can be accessed via PowerSchool. Once you have logged on to PowerSchool, click on the “Parent Conference” button on the left to see the letter. Directions on how to access and use Pick-A-Time are included in this letter. If you have more than one child in the ES, you will need to switch between students to access a letter specific to your child’s grade.    

The purposes for conferences are the following:

  • Communicate learning growth
  • Enhance home-school partnership
  • Provide ways to promote home learning
  • Build understanding around what learning looks like at ISB

Should you wish to also speak with any of our ES counselors on conference days, please make an appointment in advance:

  • Nicole Tessmer (Pre-KG) <>
  • Kate Kersey (KG, Gr. 1 & 2) <>
  • Doug Williamson (Gr. 3, 4 & 5) <>

 Translation Support for Parent-Teacher Conferences

If you will be needing translation support from one of our Community Liaisons for your child’s conference, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher to make this request.

Arrival Time for Students

Given that our ES play spaces are currently not open before school, and that teachers are getting set up and ready for the day, we seek your support in having students arrive at school after 7:15AM. Students will not be permitted to enter classrooms until 7:15AM and may be asked to wait in the seating areas outside or grade level quad. 

On Campus Student Absences

When students who attend classes on campus are absent, they will be marked absent in PowerSchool and may be expected to complete missed work when they return to campus.  Should a student be required to quarantine due to COVID exposure, they will complete virtual learning tasks and have check-ins with our Virtual Learning Teacher, Ms. Shannon Brown.  On campus students who miss school due to travel will be marked absent and will not participate in virtual learning. Please contact ES Principal Michael Allen at if planning an extended absence. 

Parent Workshop: December 1, 2021 with Ken O’Connor-Assessment and Grading for Learning

As part of ISB’s Parent Education series, we will be offering a workshop in December with Ken O’Connor.  Our topic is Assessment and Grading for Learning. 
Please see the flyer below for more information and you can register here using this link. You will receive a Zoom link for the session once you register.

Looking forward to seeing you on December 1, 2021 with Ken O’Connor!

Weekly Message from Dr. Michael Allen

Although Parent Student Teacher Conferences will occur virtually and look quite different from the pictures below from last year, they continue to be an essential part of our updated Communicating Student Learning beliefs found in our ES Parent/Student Handbook (page 61):

At ISB we believe that Communicating Student Learning empowers each student to understand, reflect on, and take ownership of their learning process as well as fosters the partnership between parents, students and teachers. 

We define Communicating Student Learning as:

  • Visibly documented evidence of learning growth over time for each child – knowledge, skills, attitudes and understandings.
  • Guided by clearly communicated goals, expectations, feedback and reflection. 
  • Communicates student achievement in relation to grade level expectations at a given time.
  • Transparency of ISB program and learning outcomes for stakeholders.

Conferences are one important part of our system of communicating student learning and are designed to celebrate student strengths and learning growth as well as identify goals and next steps. Thank you goes out to all our parents for actively partnering with us via the Parent Student Teacher Conferences on Thursday or Friday! 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen 

ES System of Communicating Student Learning
Our system of communicating student learning provides a framework of communication and collaboration that fosters passionate, reflective thinking and behaviors so that all students reach their full learning potential. Our system of communicating student learning is comprised of the following: (ES Parent/Student Handbook page 61)

ATK Testing Information

The next ATK must be administered on Sunday, November 14 between 4:00pm and 8:00pm – with results uploaded on the ATK Form within that same timeframe. If you need assistance with the ATK Form, please write to

ES Cafeteria Menu

Please find the KG – G5 ES Cafeteria menu for next week linked here, and here is the menu for Pre-Kindergarten.

New Session: November 15th-December 16th. 

Missed the registration deadline for Panther Activities today? Please contact the coordinators for art, baseball & softball, basketball, dance, golf, gymnastics, music, soccer, swimming, tennis, and volleyball directly at the email addresses below, or for general questions reach out to Lucas or Anthony at Please also check out Season 2 ISB Athletics opportunities HERE.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and

ISB Athletics Season 2 registration (Basketball)
U11 Basketball is starting on Monday 15th November. This is open to all students in grade 3, 4 and 5. 

Practices will be on Monday and Thursday from 2:30-3:30. Registration is open until Wednesday 10th November on the ISB  Athletics website: 

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