HS Student Parent Teacher Conferences

Justin Alexander & Andy Vaughan
justina@isb.ac.th & Andyv@isb.ac.th

This year’s semester 1 Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences will be hosted online using Zoom on November 18 & 19. Parents will sign up for short timed conference slots (5 mins typically) per child, with each teacher they want to meet. We will use a service called “Pick-a-Time” to coordinate this sign-up process, which blocks off time slots for appointments once they’ve been booked. 

An email will be sent to our parent community on Tuesday, November 9th at 8:00 AM to open the sign-up application. It will remain open until Monday, November 15th, 3:00 PM.

Once the sign up is completed, you will be able to receive an email with your schedule and the zoom links for each meeting, this email is generated in Pick-a-Time.

Here are some instructions that you may want to look at, before Tuesday’s sign-ups.

On the day of conferences, it will be essential that your child logs in with their Zoom account so that the teacher can recognize which family is in the “waiting room” and they can remain on schedule. If you can sit with your child during conferences, then you can sit together in front of their computer. If you need to log in from a different location as your child, then your child will still log in and join and parents can join so that students can inform us to let you in from the waiting room. In many cases, we can’t recognize who is in the waiting room (due to names like “iPhone or iPad”).

Timing: Given the shortness of the interviews (5 minutes) please have your child join the teachers waiting room a few minutes before the start of that conference. Teachers will be instructed to keep the conferences to the times as per the sign up, so please understand that teachers will finish the conferences on time. You may want to leave a gap in between the conferences that you sign up for to allow you time to ‘move’ from one meeting to another. 

If you have any questions about the sign up process for HS, please contact Khun Arisa at arisap@isb.ac.th

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