Please find a brief summary of our session on Tuesday evening, November 2, with Dr. Jennifer Chang Wathall below. This workshop was not recorded. We are working with Jennifer to schedule an additional session with our parent community in the spring of 2022.
“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated but complicated things simpler”
Professor Stan Gudder
Three guiding questions:
1) Why do we need to teach for deep conceptual understanding?
2) What is concept based mathematics?
3) What are some of the myths about effective mathematics learning?
Three myths about mathematics learning:
1) Practice makes perfect- purposeful, dynamic practice makes perfect
2) Learning mathematics is about getting the right answers are not making mistakes- making mistakes grow your brain and productive struggle is part of the learning process
3) Mathematics learning is about speed and completing questions as fast as you can- mathematics is about deep slow thinking and problem-solving
By: Jennifer DeLashmutt
Director of Curriculum and Professional Learning