Senior Gate Passes

Andy Vaughan

Dear Parents of the ISB Class of 2022,

Students in grade 12 may apply for the privilege of a Senior Gate Pass.  This pass may be used for their final two semesters prior to graduation. With the Senior Gate Pass, seniors may arrive late, leave campus during the school day, or leave early with permission from the HS Office provided no class time is missed.  

When exiting campus, seniors will need to show their gate pass to the guards to indicate they have this privilege to leave campus. Student RFID cards will be approved for this access only if a student has been given a Senior Gate Pass. Passes are to be kept by the student at all times and may be requested to be shown at the front gate when exiting the campus grounds.

Parents need to be aware that students who leave campus are not covered by the school’s insurance policy, since they are unsupervised during this time.  While off campus, the Parent assumes responsibility for their child.

For approval, a parent or guardian must sign the waiver form, which was shared on Thursday with the class of 2022. The student must be in good academic, behavioral and attendance standing. Students need to be up to date with EE/CAS requirements to receive their gate pass. Administration reserves the right to refuse the issue of or revoke a Senior Gate Pass if a student does not maintain this standing. Students with excessive tardies or unexplained absences are not eligible for a Gate Pass.

For any questions regarding the Senior Gate Pass, please contact Andy Vaughan (

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