News from University Counselors

Debbie McDowell

This week has been very busy for seniors who are applying Early Action/Early Decision in the US. The first major deadline of 1 November means that students should have submitted their application with their university counselor already. The next big university deadline is 15 November. Just a reminder that each student should have their essays and application reviewed by their counselor before the university deadline.

Please note: The Transcript Request Form is due on 23 November for all applications that have a deadline before 15 February. This will include most applications to Canada, Netherlands, Thailand and the US, as well as many others. Please discuss this deadline with your child to make sure he/she gets that form in before 23 November to guarantee that all supporting documents from ISB will be submitted on time. 

Most of the Juniors took the PSAT on Tuesday. Thanks to all of the students who were on time and were very cooperative during the test. The scores will be reported directly to the students via email. So please remind your child to watch for that email starting in early December. Once the scores are reported, each student will get an individualized code that will allow them to log into Khan Academy to do free SAT prep based on their skills, strengths and challenges according to their performance on the PSAT. 

Parent Coffee:
The next Parent Coffee will be on Wednesday, 3 November @ 9:00 am. The topic will be University Rankings: What you should know! Click on this link to join the counselors on 3 November

Upcoming Virtual University Fairs:

8 November, UK / Irish University Fair: 4:00-6:00 PM (Thai time).  The UK/Irish Virtual University Fair will be live and interactive and hosted through the platform Airmeet. Students with their parents will have the opportunity to meet individually with university admission representatives at virtual university booths. The tentative list of universities participating can be found here. Pre-registration in advance of the event (by 1 November) with the student’s school email is required. Only those who pre-register will be able to enter the event on 8 November.  Official sign up for the event is here. If your child is interested in attending this UK & Ireland University Fair, please encourage him/her to sign up no later than Monday, November 1, 2021. Once registered, students will receive the log in to join the fair. 

Tentative: 30 November, Thai University Fair: 2:30-4:30 (Thai time).  Pre-registration will be required. A school email will be required to register for this event. Registration link will be provided closer to the date. 

Interested in learning more about US University Admissions?

Consider joining the U.S. University Admissions Roundtable that the U.S. State Department’s Office of Overseas Schools is hosting in partnership with the College Board on November 10 for students and families. The roundtable will cover applying to U.S. colleges in these uncertain times and help guide students on any policy changes or enhancements resulting from COVID-19. The panel was very well-received by participants last fall. We will run the roundtable twice to accommodate for multiple time zones. Here are the registration links for quick access:

November 10, 2021 o   8:00 am Eastern Time  Register here!  

November 10, 2021 o   8:00 pm Eastern Time  Register here! 

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Shawn Abbott, Assistant Vice Provost for Admissions, Financial Aid, & Enrollment Management, Temple University
  • Adele Brumfield, Vice President for Admissions, University of Michigan
  • Doug Hartog, Director of Admission, University of Virginia
  • Diane McKoy, Senior Associate Director | Undergraduate Admissions, Director of Training and Professional Development, Columbia College | The Fu Foundation School of Engineering & Applied Science, Columbia University
  • Elisabeth O’Connell, Senior Associate Dean of Undergraduate Admissions, University of Pennsylvania

Virtual university visits: The university counselors are hosting many virtual visits with universities from around the world (7:15-7:45 am, 12:50-1:15 pm, and 3:00-3:45 pm) for ISB students and parents. Be sure to check the Virtual University Visit list for university presentations that are scheduled exclusively for ISB students and parents (highlighted in yellow). In addition, there are many other virtual events available for any students interested in gaining more information about particular institutions so please check the Virtual University Visits list on the ISB University/College Counseling website for loads of information!

Want to find out more about the University Counseling program at ISB?  Please visit the  ISB University Counseling website.

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