News from School Counselors

Shannon Leoni

We have continued to enjoy seeing students on campus this week, and are hopeful to be fully back together soon. 

One topic of conversation that has come up lately is Netflix’s new series Squid Game.  This series is set to become the streaming service’s most successful show of all time, with huge numbers of viewers taking to social media to discuss each new episode. There have been some concerns raised about the violence in episodes, and we recommend this resource for talking points and how to guide conversations with children. 

For more information around media usage and how to have meaningful conversations with your children, we also recommend Common Sense Media. They have helpful guides on digital safety, ratings on TV shows and movies, and key information for parents.  Here is the guide for parents around Squid Game. 

As always, we are here to support students and families with conversations about digital media and online safety.

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