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Middle School on campus again

We are pleased to have completed nearly 3 weeks of on campus access again for our MS students. While we miss those students who are still unable to come to campus, it has been a welcome sight to have students in the classrooms and hallways and on the playing fields and playgrounds. 

Already we are seeing positive social interaction and emotional development as students interact with their peers again. This week, we started with afterschool sports activities, another welcome sight!

In all 3 grades we are close to 90% of the students attending school on campus in two cohorts: Grade 6 and Grades 7/8.

We continue to connect with those still off campus through virtual school learning days and look forward to the time when all students will be back on campus together. 


MS Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences

Middle school will host ONLINE MS Parent-Student-Teacher conferences on November 18 & 19 throughout the day. More information will come about signing up for appointments to Zoom for short 5-minute sessions with a teacher. There are a lot of logistics required to make online conferencing work for 400 MS students who each have 8 or 9 teachers. 

Please note the dates and more information will come out soon about sign-ups and format.


ATK testing schedule 

Please note that students should be doing their ATK tests and parents submitting the forms every Sunday and Wednesday, between 4 and 8 pm

We understand with the on-campus and off-campus days changing regularly for students, that there may be some confusion around whether to submit the tests on the evenings before a child comes to school. This is not the case.  Regardless of what day a student is coming to campus, the ATK tests should be completed and the form filled in on Sundays and Wednesdays, 4-8 PM.

We do this to allow us to follow up on contact tracing, providing enough time to prevent students from coming to school in the event of a positive test result and submission. Already once this year, we needed to implement this. When parents do not submit the form in the allotted time or ask to do it in the morning, we risk mixing students with a positive case on campus.

When students do not complete the test, please keep them at home, so that we don’t have to send them home from school.


Google Classroom Guardian Summaries 

Google classroom guardian summaries are emails that are sent to guardians/parents that summarize headers and instructions of their children’s google classroom activity. Parents can choose to see once a day, once a week, or unsubscribe and not see at all. This is view only and parents cannot go into the actual classroom and view/edit files, docs, or submissions. 


Guardian summaries provide information about what is posted in google classrooms in order to inform conversations with your child(ren) about what is happening in school.

Watch this video about accepting the Guardian Summary invite.


Pfizer Vaccine Update from ISB Health Center

By ISB Health Center

“According to an announcement made by the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health (dated 20 October 2021), the second dose of Pfizer vaccination may be administered to male students between 12 and 16 years of age, with the written consent of both parents and students, and this shall not be an obligation for re-entering to school.”






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