Pfizer Vaccinations at Medpark

Andy Vaughan

On Wednesday, 27 October, our students who received their first vaccination on 6 October will receive their second Pfizer vaccinations at Medpark Hospital. These appointments are spread throughout the day. We will still be running classes throughout the day; both live for Grade 9 & 10 and virtual for Grade 11 & 12. 

According to an announcement made by the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health (dated 20 October 2021), the second dose of Pfizer vaccination may be administered to male students between 12 and 16 years of age, with the written consent of both parents and students. Please note this is not an obligation for re-entering school.

For attendance next Wednesday, if your child has an appointment for this round of vaccinations, please do not email or call Khun Gade to release your child from school or to inform of your child’s absence for this vaccination as we are aware of their appointment and timing.

If your appointment is later in the day, please arrange directly with your child what time you will pick them up from school and ask your child to come to the HS office to get a gate pass in order to leave campus. We have a record of all appointments and will release your child to meet you at the front of school. If you have an early morning appointment, your child can come to school after their appointment and enter campus with their ID card as normal.

All students who have an appointment will have the attendance code ‘SPC’ (Special Event) on PowerSchool for all their classes for this day. Please note that this code is an indicator for teachers if your child is not in class and does not count towards absences in any class.

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