News from School Counselors

Shannon Leoni

We hope that everyone had a restful and enjoyable October break. 

As we look towards the next few weeks, we know that this time of year can often feel fast-paced and sometimes hectic. We’d like to remind students of some helpful tips that will be beneficial in prioritizing work and improving focus. One tip that we like is the “2 Minute Rule”, meaning that if something takes less than 2 minutes to complete, do it right away. Those 2 minutes will add up, and help students to feel more productive and motivated.

Motivation is a key factor in ensuring students are making the most of their classes and staying positive. For helpful resources in discussing motivation, we like these tips from Empowering Parents that include discussion questions. One helpful idea is to frame a conversation around short-term vs. long-term, and framing decisions in terms of students completing tasks they have to do in order to get to a place where they’re doing what they want to do. 

Another resource that specifically addresses motivation is found in this article that highlights how a sense of competence can boost a child’s motivation and self-esteem. “A sense of mastery can develop when your child tackles a task easy enough to complete, but difficult enough for them to feel challenged.”

As always, the counseling team is here to support your children, and we are also happy to have a conversation about any of the above resources

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