Message from HS PrincipalMessage from HS Principal

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents, 

We just enjoyed a great week of school and learning for our students. The percentage of students coming on campus each day continues to rise with 90% of all HS students coming to school on the days that their cohort has scheduled classes on campus. There are just a few students that are not in Thailand yet, but with the relaxation of quarantine rules, more of these families are returning to Thailand and to on-campus learning. You will have read in yesterday’s school message that we are hopeful for a November 15th return to campus for all students and hopefully we will be very close to having all students here with us on campus at that time. 

Upcoming Events:

The HS Principal Forum meeting is on Tuesday, October 26th at 9 am. Please register HERE to attend and please read the rest of the ENews for more information. 

The Student Parent-teacher conferences will be held virtually on November 18th and 19th from approximately 8 am to 3.30 pm. We will be sending out registration and sign-up details close to that date, but please note that you will need to sign up within the timeline in order to book a zoom meeting slot with teachers on our system.

Have a great weekend.
Justin Alexander
HS Principal

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