ES e-News for October 22, 2021

Enjoy the Long Weekend!

Monday, October 25, 2021 is Substitute Chulalongkorn’s Day. Therefore, school will not be in session. Classes will resume on Tuesday, October 26, which is a Gold  ‘B’ Day.

Weekly Message from Dr. Michael Allen

We enjoyed a great week of school and learning for our students! The percentage of students coming on campus each day continues to rise with 90.5% of all ES students coming to school on the days that their cohort has scheduled classes on campus. There are just a few students that are not in Thailand yet, but with the relaxation of quarantine rules, more of these families are returning to Thailand and to on-campus learning. You will have read in yesterday’s school message that we are hopeful for a November 15th return to campus for all students and hopefully we will be very close to having 100% of our ES students here with us on campus at that time. 

When school fully resumes on campus and Hybrid Learning ends, students who do not come to campus will engage in Virtual Learning.  As these terms are relatively new to all of us, I’ve copied them below for your reference. 

  • Hybrid Learning occurs when campus is able to be open with reduced numbers.  In September 2021, ISB was approved to be open at 50% capacity. In this case a hybrid model was put into place where students are engaged in both on campus and virtual learning. 
  • Virtual School is the model for learning when all students are learning at home. 
  • Virtual Learning occurs when campus is open and a few students are not able to come to campus (ie: in transit from another country or in quarantine). When the hybrid model ends and classes resume on campus, virtual learning will occur for students who don’t return to campus in the form of asynchronous learning tasks and assignments. 

Thank you again to everyone for your ongoing support and partnership during this time of the hybrid model.  It’s not ideal for students or parents, and is extremely taxing on our teachers, however the ISB community is working together to make the most of the situation for our students. 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen

Arrival Time for Students

Given that our ES play spaces are currently not open before school, and that teachers are getting set up and ready for the day, we seek your support in having students arrive at school after 7:15AM. Students will not be permitted to enter classrooms until 7:15AM and may be asked to wait in the seating areas outside the ES Hub or grade level quad. 

Intercultural Week Update

Intercultural Week was originally scheduled for November 8th – 12th, 2021. However, given the current on-campus restrictions, and that we are unable to accommodate parent volunteers on campus, we have made the decision to postpone Intercultural Week until the second semester so we can have the celebration that this week deserves!

On Campus Cohort Schedule

All ES students are assigned to an A (Black) or B (Gold) cohort. These cohorts come to campus every other day following an A/B rotation.  Homeroom teachers will share daily virtual schedules for students not coming to campus.

ATK Testing Sunday, October 24 @ 4PM

The next ATK must be administered on Sunday 24th October between 4:00pm and 8:00pm – with results uploaded on the ATK Form within that same timeframe. If you need assistance with the ATK Form, please write to

All test results must be entered into the ATK Form within the specified times in order to ensure campus access the following day. The ATK Form is linked to the ID cards and ISB turnstiles system.

ES Cafeteria Menu

Please find the KG – G5 ES Cafeteria menu for next week linked here, and here is the menu for Pre-Kindergarten.

Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences Update

Please note that Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences for ES, MS and HS families will take place virtually on November 18 & 19th. Online sign up for conferences will open on November 9, 2021.  More details to come. 

ES HUB Update

Scan our quick access QR codes below to:

  • browse our collection, 
  • check out books, 
  • read/signup for Sora our online ebook system
  • Schedule an appointment with a HUB staff member (starting August 19)
  • Explore other online reading opportunities
  • Or, Just visit our HUB website!

Panther Purrfect EP4 
Featuring:  ISB Alumna and Filmmaker, Madi Boll
Cubs Corner, and this week’s Ch-Ch-Ch-Challenge!!!

Panther Activities/ISB Athletics
Hybrid Activities
October 18th-29th
Basketball, Dance, Gymnastics, Soccer, Swimming, tennis, Touch Rugby, and PK-G5 Camps.

iSB + iCare = WE CARE.

iCare pledges and donations reach over 500K!!!
Help us reach our 1M Baht goal for iCare by donating today!!! The pandemic has provided an opportunity to press pause on life as we know it, and to ponder the question, How can we better care for those around us? 
iSB + iCare = We Care. Learn more about the We Care initiative HERE

Talent Show Results

Congratulations to all the students who participated in ISB’s Got Talent prior to the October break! Below are the links to the ISB Got Talent Shows for you to enjoy as well as the names of the ES winners. 

ES Winners from show 1:
1st Place – Thattham Lertvilaivivithaya (Tommy) (Grade 4) 
2nd Place – Punyisa Deng Boonpadung (Proud) (Grade 3)
3rd Place – Passawuth Wipoosiri (Pas) (Grade 1) 

ES Winners from show 2:
2nd Place – Thee Kuvijitsuwan (Thee) (Grade 3)
3rd Place – Thad Kuvijitsuwan  (Thad) (Grade 1)

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