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Planning for Possible Campus Reopening on Wednesday

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

After our recent inspection, we are hopeful to reopen campus with limited capacity in the coming week. At this time we are planning for students to start attending school on campus on Wednesday, September 29th (pending confirmation). As shared in various parent communication, forums, and the ISB reopening plan, Middle School will have 2 cohorts: 

  • Cohort A: Grade 6
  • Cohort B: Grades 7 & 8

In combination with the rest of school, we can maintain the 50% numbers expectation on the days when 2 MS grades are on campus.

Please look at other articles in this week’s eNews about specific details on reopening, including: new family orientation, uniforms, safety measures, and ID cards.

The MS and HS will be using a “2-days on / 2 days virtual” plan for cohorts, allowing students to have some consistency as they go through all their classes in two days, before switching formats. This will start with Grade 6 on campus for two days while grades 7 & 8 remain home continuing Virtual School (with slightly adjusted class  start times). Grades 7 & 8 will then have two school days on campus, as grade 6 stays home for Virtual School. The pattern will continue this way.

Tentatively, the schedule for the first two weeks will be as follows (we still await official confirmation):

To read this schedule, find a day of the specific week, and look below the day to see the numbered day. Depending on the grade of your child you will see an on campus schedule (the taller column), or a VS (Virtual School) schedule, with the start times of each class. 

Aspects worthy of note in our reopening schedule include:

  • Tuesday, Asynchronous learning day – students will be provided instructions for independent work that day, as teachers prepare classrooms and safety measures on campus for reopening.
  • Special schedules for the cohort’s first day on campus, with more time in Advisory to get to know each other, go over safety protocols, check in, and ensure successful dismissal.
  • Starting with a Day 5 order of periods – this is necessary in order to align with High School scheduling needs.
  • Using the full 8-day rotation – we will be fully rotating class periods now, so students will need to keep track of which “numbered day” it is to determine order of periods. Zoom links for teachers remain the same and students can find these links in PowerSchool, if they need them.
  • October 7 & 8 are school learning days – these days have been reclaimed for classes. They were originally scheduled as conference days.
  • Following the October break, it will be Day 5 again – with Friday, Oct 8th a Day 4, following the break, we pick up where we left on and Oct 18th will be a Day 5.

Teachers will support students in Virtual School Advisory on Monday to ensure they understand the schedule. Students can also consult the Good Morning Middle School email bulletin sent to them each evening ahead of a school day for more information about the schedule.


ATK tests and campus entry 

Every member of our community has a role and responsibility in keeping themselves and our community safe. We ask that everyone follows the requirements and expectations put out by the school to provide the greatest safety measures for ourselves and each other.

As you will have seen in all school communication, it is essential that students have completed ATK tests and submitted the forms at the designated times in order to be able to access campus. The first of these ATK test and form submissions is:

  • Tuesday, Sept 28th, 4:00-8:00 PM – Student ATK test and Submit ISB ATK form
    (even if the test is taken earlier, the form must be completed in this time window)

It does not matter when your child is scheduled to come to campus, all students must take the ATK and submit the form on the days specified by ISB. Here are the dates for upcoming ATK test requirements to attend school on campus:

  • Tuesday, Sept 28th, 4:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Sunday, Oct 3rd, 4:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday, Oct 5th, 4:00 – 8:00 PM

These time slots are essential for us to reset campus access and ensure any necessary contact tracing for the next day. Please note that if forms are not completed in these time slots, students will not be able to access campus the following day and will have to stay home.

Thank you for being part of our collective solution to caring and looking after each other.


ID Cards required for Campus Entry 

ID Cards have always been an important part of on campus procedures for MS students, at ISB. Now, however, they are essential to access campus. Each student must have their own ID card with them to pass through the turnstiles and access campus. 

The turnstiles will scan the ID and confirm:

  • the student has complete the ATK test and submitted the form indicating low COVID risk
  • the student does not fall into a category of contact risk from a previously reported case
  • the student is wearing a mask
  • the student’s temperature is in normal range

If a student does not have their ID, they will not be permitted to enter campus.

In order for us to look after the safety of all in the community, we have to be strict on this – not allowing exceptions for whom we cannot confirm identity or test results. 

We know that MS-aged students can sometimes forget their ID cards or struggle with keeping organized. We need parents support with this, so that students who arrive at school are able to come into campus. We understand that it may be an inconvenience to family’s if their child is denied access because they don’t have their ID, however, safety must be our top priority.

Students who do not meet entry requirements will be kept off campus until parents can pick them up and/or the student can return home.

Please help your child come up with a system to ensure they always have their ID card when coming to campus. Suggestions include:

  • attaching it to a lanyard on their school bag
  • laying out items the night before that must be brought to school
  • having the same place for items like ID, wallet, phone, etc that your child drops off and picks up in and out of the door
  • attaching the ID to their phone (most students somehow always remember their phone!)


Safety Measures 

ISB has shared its reopening plan with the community. To highlight some of the important safety measures, we have listed some specific guidelines that are important for MS students.

  • Masks must be kept on, covering both nose and mouth at all times, other than eating and drinking in designated areas and manner.
  • At recess / lunch, when students are playing in the field or Parkour Park, they must wear their mask at all times.
  • Food must be consumed in the cafeteria or tent as assigned by grade level.
  • Set meals will be available for grab and purchase in the cafeteria and tent areas. Cutlery will be individually sanitized and packaged. Payment will be made at our cashiers using ID cards. Cash is NOT accepted.
  • Students may bring their own lunch, but must eat in the designated eating area (cafeteria or tent) with their grade level.
  • The coffee shop/snack bar, “The Grind” will not be open for service for the time being.
  • If students bring snacks from home, they will only be able to consume it, in a designated area at a specific time between classes. Students may not eat in classrooms.
  • Masks may only be removed when sitting in the cafeteria behind screens, in order to eat.
  • Students should bring their own water bottles for use during the day. Students lower the mask to take a sip, but must immediately pull the mask back up after taking the sip. Students may not move about with masks down because “they are drinking.”
  • Lockers will not be used to start the year to prevent gatherings and to ensure students have all their materials with them in the event of campus closure.

We will go over these and many other important safety expectations with students in Advisory on their first days on campus (and before). We appreciate any additional support at home in helping our students understand their role in keeping themselves and the wider community safe.


New Family Orientation 

As we await confirmation for a Wednesday campus reopening, we are planning for new MS families to be welcomed to ISB with an orientation on our Asynchronous school day, currently scheduled for Tuesday, Sept 28th. 

New MS families have received specific information regarding this event with an opportunity to sign up for a time that works for them. 

Please note that ATK testing will need to be performed Tuesday morning before coming to campus for the orientation by all family members who will enter campus. Upon arrival, we will have a form (different than the standard school one) that will allow families to confirm the negative test and low risk.

The ATK test taken in the morning can serve as the “Tuesday ATK test” required by ISB to attend school, but the school ATK form will still need to be completed between 4:00 and 8:00 PM that evening, in order to ensure campus access for the school days later in the week.

At the orientation there will be opportunity to buy uniforms, get ID cards, top up accounts, and tour the campus. This time is by appointment and only for new families, in order to meet distancing and safety requirements. 


Middle School Uniforms for 2021-22

In the hopes that students may be able to return to campus soon, we wanted to share some important guidelines regarding school uniforms, particularly in the unique circumstances of this school year. We are excited to see students in the green and white again … it’s a sign school is back!

Uniforms have been on sale at school this past week by appointment, and will continue on Monday and Tuesday.

For attending school on campus, students must wear:

  • the ISB polo shirt (green or white);
  • for PE, the ISB PE shirt. MS students may only wear the PE shirt for PE. They need to change into the polo shirt for other classes;
  • uniform shorts / pants / skirts purchased at the ISB Bookstore or shorts that look similar to the ISB uniform shorts in style and color. Logos, tears/rips, prominent stitching, etc., are not permitted. For the 2021-22 school year, students may also wear the ISB P.E. shorts (still with a school uniform polo shirt). Other branded sports shorts are not allowed. This is allowed to limit students’ time spent in the changing rooms.
  • shoes must at all times. Only appropriate and safe footwear with heels lower than 4 cm or 1.5 inches are permitted. Single plug flip-flops, beach or sport sandals are not permitted.

For attending school virtually, students do not have to wear school uniform, but we continue to expect students to be dressed respectfully and appropriately for school (no pajamas, inappropriate clothing, etc.).

Below, we provide more details from the MS Student Handbook.

From the MS Student Handbook on Uniforms (page 10):
Our school uniform helps create a comfortable and focused learning environment and identifies you as part of the Middle School. It is a reflection of the seriousness of purpose for your academic experience. The uniform is also designed to be respectful to our multicultural community and our host country of Thailand. Unless otherwise stated, you need to wear your uniform for the entire school day.

Please keep the following in mind:

  • All uniform shirts must be purchased at the ISB Bookstore. 
  • Students must wear uniform shorts / pants / skirts purchased at the ISB Bookstore or shorts that look similar to the ISB uniform shorts in style and color. Logos, tears/rips, prominent stitching, etc., are not permitted.
  • You show respect for the school by wearing uniforms that fit properly, are clean and pressed with no holes, tears, frayed areas, or patches.
  • School uniforms must be worn as purchased and should not be altered, modified, or rolled up.
  • An ISB sweatshirt, hoodie, or pull-over (purchased at the ISB Bookstore) may be worn over an ISB uniform shirt. No commercial logos or designs are permitted.
  • A solid white undershirt or white ISB t-shirt with no commercial logos or designs may be worn under your official ISB uniform polo shirt. 
  • For your safety, shoes must be worn at all times. Only appropriate and safe footwear with heels lower than 4 cm or 1.5 inches are permitted. 
  • Single plug flip-flops, beach or sport sandals are not permitted.
  • In case of disagreements of what is acceptable uniform MS Administration makes the final decision.
  • For the 2021-22 school year, students may wear ISB P.E. shorts with a school uniform shirt. Other branded sports shorts are not allowed.


Supporting your child’s learning – HAL and Achievement Updates 

by Cindy Plantecoste, MS Vice Principal

As of this afternoon, we encourage you to log into PowerSchool to view your child’s learning progress thus far in the semester.

The definitions below will help you understand our reporting terminology:

Achievement of Learning Goals

The ISB Middle School reports on student progress towards subject-specific standards based on expected performance at the time of assessment.  The middle school uses the following descriptors to report on achievement: Beginning, Approaching, Meeting, Advanced.  Achievement may also be described as falling between levels, such as: Beginning-Approaching (BA), Approaching-Meeting (AM), Meeting-Advanced (MA)

Habits and Attitudes for Learning (HAL):

Our ISB Middle School HAL are behaviors and dispositions that support students’ progress towards achieving our Mission. Students who approach their learning with these habits and attitudes develop a growth mindset and become independent, life‐long learners.

Since we have been in virtual school from the start of the school year, we modified our standard HAL descriptors to suit the virtual context.  You can find the updated Virtual School HAL descriptors here.


MS teachers update their grade books as work is assigned and assessed. The grades show how your child performed on the specific standards being assessed for specific assignments. The grades you see are not ‘summary grades’.  We only do summary grades for broad learning categories, such as reading, writing, communication, etc., at the end of each semester (December and June). 


This is an ideal time for you and your child to look at PowerSchool together, and discuss the types of routines, behaviors, and dispositions (HAL) that will contribute to a successful learning experience for your child throughout the year. We encourage you and your child to check PowerSchool every few weeks so that you can have regular conversations about your child’s learning.

It is important to note that while grades reflect attainment on a specific assignment or assessment against a specific standard, learning feedback is regularly provided to students on a day-to-day basis in class and through formative assessment strategies used by the teacher. You should always feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher and/or counselor if you have any questions or concerns related to your child’s progress.


Wai Khru – respect and gratitude for teachers

Today, students from our Thai classes hosted our annual Middle School Wai Khru Assembly. This event is a Thai tradition, during which students express respect and gratitude to their teachers, as the new school year begins.

The assembly could not have been more timely, as, more than ever, we have reason to express our thanks, respect, and appreciation for the work of our teachers. Teachers have started the year online, still building relationships and connecting with students, all while moving learning forward. Now they are tirelessly planning for a hybrid learning environment in which students will be online, live in classrooms, asynchronous, and in some cases, all of the above. Teachers continue to collaborate, plan, and care with the best interests of students and learning in mind.

In the spirit of the Wai Khru … thank you, teachers, for all that you have done and are doing for students. We are fortunate to have such an incredible faculty and staff at ISB.


High School Peer Tutors available 

Can your Middle School student use a little extra help in a specific subject area?  Our High School Peer Tutor Club has excellent high school students who want to help!  Students are matched according to subject and spend an hour a week together with the goal of helping students get a better understanding of subject material, plus improved organizational skills. 

If this sounds like something that could benefit your middle schooler, contact Mr. Callahan ( to begin the process of getting some quality help for your student!


Golf carts and MS students 

ISB does not allow MS students to drive golf carts (or motorcycles) onto campus. It is our experience that MS-aged students do not know the road laws and etiquette, nor do they operate these safely enough to ensure the safety of our community. It is also worth noting that as unlicensed drivers, it is illegal for them to be driving unsupervised.

During this long stretch of school closure and the summer holiday, we understand that some families in Nichada Thani have allowed their middle school aged children to drive a golf cart in the neighborhood and perhaps they are used to doing this.

For clarity, please note that they will not be allowed on campus. We have also been informed that Nichada Thani will not allow students to park their golf carts at other parking lots to walk into school. 

If you live in the neighborhood, please encourage your child to walk or ride a bicycle to school if/when they return to campus. It’s safer and healthier for everyone. 


ISB Athletics update

Congratulations to all of our Middle School Athletes who continue to work so hard during their online season. A special thanks goes out to our  coaches for stepping up and being so creative during these challenging times. 

Below you can see the team photos from the different groups.  If your child’s photo is missing, please email it directly to so we can include them. 


MS Athletics Up Coming Events 

Panther Pride – Run, Ride and Walk

Saturday the 2nd and Sunday the 3rd of October ISB will be hosting Panther Run #3. More details to follow in next week’s Enews. 


The Shakespeare Tournament Tuesday, October 5th 5:30pm 

“All that glitters is not gold,” or is it? Join the MS drama troupe as they compete for thespian gold on October 5th at 5:30pm. Look for the Zoom Webinar link in next week’s eNews. “Forsooth!”


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