ISB Update: 23 September 2021

ISB Update: 23 September 2021

Dear ISB Community,

Potential Reopening of School Campuses –  Latest News

Our school inspection took place yesterday and we are now awaiting written approval from the Nonthaburi Government to reopen campus to students. We are cautiously optimistic that approval will be forthcoming.

Wednesday 29th September remains the earliest possible date that we can reopen for classes on campus.

We are planning for an asynchronous learning day for students on Tuesday 28th September while faculty undergo safety training, complete classroom setup, and prepare for hybrid learning. Teachers will be communicating with students regarding the expectations for this day.

We will confirm these dates as soon as we know more.

Initial ATK Testing FRIDAY 24th SEPTEMBER – Very Important

For students planning to return to on campus learning:

  1. Take an ATK test on the morning of Friday 24th September and report on the ATK Form between 7:00am and 11:00am.  This test should be taken even if we do not yet have government approval.
  2. Results (positive or negative) are then to be uploaded on the ATK Form. The ATK Form passcode will be sent to you by SMS and email later today. If you did not receive this passcode, please email
  3. The next ATK must be administered on Tuesday 28th September from 4:00pm and 8:00pm, also with results uploaded on the ATK Form.  This will start our pattern of twice weekly testing on Tuesdays and Sundays.
  4. Please click here for video instructions to the ATK Form.
  5. For attendance purposes, completion of the ATK Test and Form will inform the school that a student will be attending school on campus.

Summary of ATK Schedule Before October Break

  • First ATK Test – Friday 24th September between 7:00am and 11:00am.
  • Second ATK Test – Tuesday 28th September between 4:00pm and 8:00pm
  • Third ATK Test – Sunday 3rd October between 4:00pm and 8:00pm
  • Fourth ATK Test – Tuesday 5th October between 4:00pm and 8:00pm

All test results must be entered into the ATK Form within the specified times in order to ensure campus access the following day. The ATK Form is linked to the ID cards and ISB turnstiles system.

Important – if the ATK test is not taken and the ATK Form not submitted access to campus will be denied.

ATK Testing Information and Parenting Tips

Please click here for a summary of ATK dates, user information and parenting tips.

Return to Campus Made Easy

We understand that there is a lot of information for parents to remember and have made this checklist to make the organization easier.

Plans to Safely Open the ISB Campus

Please find linked here our plans to safely reopen the ISB campus.

Video of Parent Webinar

The video of the Parent Zoom Webinar held on Wednesday 22 September can be accessed here.

We will communicate again as soon as we know more. If anyone has questions or if we can help with anything, please reach out to any of us listed below.

All the best,



Andy Davies (Head of School)
Dhave Setabutr, M.D., (Director of Health Center)
Usa Somboon (Headmistress)
Mark Hevland (Director of Risk Management)
Debi Caskey (Deputy Head of School for Learning)
Marc de Vries (Deputy Head of School/CFO)
Justin Alexander (HS Principal)
Dennis Harter (MS Principal)
Michael Allen (ES Principal)
John Leiner (Director of Admissions)

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