‘Parent Connections’

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your attendance and participation in the HS Open House on Tuesday evening. Although the sessions were short, they were packed full of information and details about the learning that your child is experiencing here at ISB. 

You will have noticed from yesterday’s parent communication that we are moving closer to having students back on campus with the submission of our school reopening plans to the relevant local authorities. We are looking forward to hearing some positive news soon and of course, we will then be actioning those plans along with whatever revisions or requirements that we might be required to follow. 

If you have read those re-opening plans you will notice that the HS will split our students into two cohorts (Gr 11 & 12 and Gr 9 & 10) for attendance on campus reasons. Once campus re-opens only one cohort will be on campus at a given time where they will be attending face-to-face lessons two days in a row, while the other cohort will continue with their virtual school lessons for those two days. The cohorts will then swap for the next two days. As we move closer to confirming an actual start date, we will share the schedule and details with parents and students. 

In the meantime, virtual school continues next week but with a break for students on Thursday and Friday. Teachers will be involved in professional learning opportunities and making plans for our re-opening on Thursday, but they too will have a well-deserved day off on Friday. 

Have a great weekend, stay safe and stay well. 

Justin Alexander
HS Principal

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