ES e-News for September 10, 2021

ISB Reopening Survey

Yesterday (September 9), all ISB families should have received a personalized email with their ISB Family ID Number from “ISB COMMUNICATIONS” asking you to complete the reopening survey.   The purpose of this survey is to help us plan for the correct number of students when we are able to open campus. Please complete one survey per family by Monday, September 13th @ 5PM. 

As we prepare for the possibility of welcoming students back on campus, ISB has prepared detailed Opening Plans. For the detailed ISB Opening Plan, click here. The key safety components include:

  • Twice weekly ATK (antigen) testing performed under parent supervision at home
  • 50% of students (initially) on campus to ensure physical distancing
  • High levels of staff vaccination
  • Assigned seating in classrooms 
  • Compulsory wearing of masks by everyone on campus
  • Strict COVID prevention measures on campus 

Preparing to Reopen Campus – ES Update

During this morning’s ISB Parent Webinar hosted by the ISB administration, an overview of the proposed Sept 2021 ISB Reopening Plans was provided. We provided a brief overview of the potential ES reopening schedule (see slide below).  When a return to campus date is confirmed, we will host an additional informative session for parents. ACTION REQUIRED: Please complete the Reopening Survey sent to you with your ISB Family ID Number yesterday from ISB COMMUNICATIONS. The purpose of this survey is to help us plan for the correct number of students when we are able to open campus. Please complete one survey per family by Monday, September 13th @ 5PM. 

Save the Date

On September 23 & 24 all ES families will be asked to come to campus to collect their child’s ATK kits, new ISB student ID card, and virtual school learning materials from the collection points located at the pickup/dropoff areas of ISB. 

ATTENTION MONTRI BUS RIDERS: Families who use the Montri bus service are welcome to come to campus to pick up their child’s materials or can complete a digital form that will be emailed on September 20 so the materials can be delivered to their home on Friday, September 24.

Weekly Message from the Principal

The ES vice principals, Ms. Sarah Fleming and Mr. Jeff Scott, and I share a common ongoing goal to visit classrooms as much as possible, and we have made it a priority to visit every virtual classroom using ISB’s Definition of Learning as a lens for the observations and personalized feedback to teachers these past two weeks. During our many hours in the virtual classes we saw a plethora of excellent instructional strategies aligned with the ISB Definition of Learning (pictured below).  

Some highlights we observed and shared with ES faculty earlier today included the following: 

Apply our learning to new situations

  • In Art, students are applying their observational drawing skills, noticing lines and shapes, to sketch their hands in different positions.  

Inquire to extend our learning

  • Some grade levels are launching narrative writing units where students have the opportunity to self-reflect and begin to inquire into possible topics they might want to explore for their own pieces of writing.  The self-generated topics and “seeds” are based on their own experiences, character traits, and life-lessons they want to inquire into further. 
  • PreK students are exploring different ways of sorting materials and considering why they sorted in that way.  
  • In music, students are thinking about the meaning of words (eg. membranophone, aerophone, idiophone) using similar word inquiry strategies to those in the core learning areas!
  • Students are learning to use sentence stems to approach mathematical learning experiences with a sense of curiosity and interest ie. I notice….. I wonder…
  • Students have been learning lessons from mentor authors about how to communicate meaning through illustrations.

Create solutions

  • Providing ample choice for students to self-organize, self-monitor and make choices that drive their learning. 

Communicate our learning effectively to others

  • Students explaining their thinking and reasoning in mathematics.
  • Many teachers are using different strategies to support student-to-student connections in virtual school such as Think-Pair-Share breakout rooms.
  • Many strategies for monitoring engagement – calling on students to participate and confirm their understanding of directions, using the chat feature for formative data, having the accountability of having their cameras on.

Make connections across our learning 

  • Students are explicitly reflecting on the ISB attributes and how they apply across all areas; many teachers have been making connections to the self-managing attribute during the launch of the school year
  • As new concepts are introduced in Math (ex: exponents), students are being prompted to activate their prior knowledge, and connect it with concept they have developed in previous grade levels (ex: multiplication, place value
  • Students are learning how to draw upon their background knowledge when reading.  

Reflect critically on our learning

  • Students are providing feedback to each other on their memoir writing via a guided “glow” and “grow” process. Explicit teaching regarding how to give and receive constructive feedback was incorporated into the mini-lesson.
  • Overall we saw less evidence of this particular aspect of our Definition of Learning with students; however, in the responses we got from teachers to our written feedback, we noted many examples of teachers exhibiting high consciousness, reflecting on their practice, and considering adjustments.

Our students and teachers are all doing their very best to ensure that students continue to make gains towards our defined learning goals and outcomes. As you observe your children’s growth and development during these days of virtual school, we invite you to consider how the ISB Definition of Learning is impacting your child. 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen

Parent-Teacher Partnership Connections 

A strong home-school partnership is always beneficial for students, and this is especially true during virtual school where parents are highly involved in supporting their child’s learning and success!  Next week teachers will be contacting parents regarding each child’s virtual school experience so far; we’re eager to hear what’s been going well and what might be some challenges we can problem solve in partnership with you. Watch for more details from your child’s teacher. 

 No School Thursday & Friday

ISB does not have school on Thursday and Friday, September 16-17. Thursday will be used for teachers to meet for professional development and Friday is an ISB holiday. Both will serve to provide a much needed break from screens and schoolwork for students. Please encourage your children to get some fresh air, enjoy some social time within their safe bubbles, and to read books off screen on this upcoming long weekend. We hope the break will provide some quality time for families as well! 

Self Care for Parents/Guardians During a Global Pandemic Session- September 15 @1:30 pm

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you can join us on Wednesday, September 15 from 1:30-2:30pm (BKK time) when we will host a Zoom session, Self Care for Parents/Guardians During a Global Pandemic.  

We are keenly aware the past 18 months have been extra challenging for many of you and hope this interactive session with ISB counselors, school psychologists and other parents/guardians will give you the opportunity to listen and be heard.  

Please sign up HERE.  The day prior, we will send a Zoom link to your email address.

For those parents that missed the past PK-12 Counselor presentation, “Supporting Your Child’s Social/Emotional Wellbeing in the time of COVID”presentation, or would like to rewatch it, a recording of the Zoom session can be viewed here:

Warm regards,
The PreK-12 Counselors and School Psychologists

ISB Community Liaisons

The goal of our ISB Community Liaisons is to ensure that Chinese, Korean, and Japanese students and families have the support they need to be successful at ISB.  The Liaisons also provide an avenue of communication and support to provide clarity, and help our families understand ISB’s culture, processes, and expectations. If you might need support from one of our Community Liaisons, please reach out to them directly:

  • ISB Korea LIAISON <>
  • ISB Japanese LIAISON <>
  • ISB Chinese LIAISON <>

ES HUB Update

Scan our quick access QR codes below to:

  • browse our collection, 
  • check out books, 
  • read/signup for Sora our online ebook system
  • Schedule an appointment with a HUB staff member (starting August 19)
  • Explore other online reading opportunities
  • Or, Just visit our HUB website!


Do you love to sing, move, or play instruments? Think about joining one of our free ES Music Ensembles. Participation in either the Panther Choir, Panther Orff Ensemble, or Panther String Ensemble will allow you to learn and grow as a musician and performer, all while having fun with kids who love music too! All three ensembles are open to grades 3, 4, and 5 students and are free of charge.  

How to register on CHQ

Step by step instructions for navigating CHQ can be found HERE. Simply log into PowerSchool, then press the CHQ button on the left side of your screen. Once in CHQ you will find an account for each of your children in which you will only be able to see the activities for that child’s age group and grade level. Where available, you may click the blue “i” to the right of each activity title for a description of that activity. Questions? Please contact Anthony Giles or Lucas Rivera at

Panther Choir 

  • Day & Time: Tuesdays, 1:45-2:45 pm, Start Date: September 14th
  • Length of Season: All Year (both semesters)
  • Cost: Free
  • Enrollment Limit: 30 members

Panther Choir is an ensemble for anyone who would like to experience singing music from different cultures and styles outside of our elementary music classes. Students will also have the opportunity to add movement or choreography to some of our songs. Panther Choir is open to a maximum of 30 students in Grades 3-5, and meets each Tuesday from 1:45-2:45 pm during Virtual School. The time will be adjusted when we return to in-person school. There is no audition to join Panther Choir, and it is free of charge. Panther Choir is a year long activity. For more information, including an introductory video, please click HERE.

Panther Orff Ensemble

  • Day & Time: Tuesdays, 1:45-2:45 pm, Start Date: September 14th
  • Length of Season: All Year (both semesters)
  • Cost: Free
  • Enrollment Limit: 24 members

Panther Orff Ensemble is an opportunity to explore music and performance through playing instruments, singing, and creative movement. Panther Orff Ensemble is open to a maximum of 24 students in grades 3-5, and will meet every Tuesday from 1:45 to 2:45 during Virtual School. The time will be adjusted when we return to in-person school. Panther Orff Ensemble is a year-long activity and is free of charge. For more information, including an introductory video, please click HERE

Panther String Ensemble

  • Day & Time: Tuesdays, 3:00-4:00 pm, Start Date: September 14th
  • Length of Season: All Year (both semesters)
  • Cost: Free
  • Enrollment Limit: None

Panther String Ensemble is open to students in grades 3-5 who play the violin, viola, cello or double bass, and who are looking for an opportunity to play their string instrument with other young musicians. Interested students should already be able to play the G and D major scales and one solo piece (can be a piece from Suzuki Book 1 or similar) before joining. If unsure about your qualifications, please contact Ms. Su at Joining the Panther String Ensemble is a great way to meet new friends, improve your technique, and learn new music! We will meet each Tuesday from 3:00-4:00 pm during Virtual School starting September 14th with the time adjusted once we return to campus. Panther String Ensemble is a year-long activity and Involvement in the ensemble is free of charge. For more detailed information please click HERE

Join the ISB Rocket League eSports Tournament! 
Announcing the first ever ISB Rocket League eSports Tournament scheduled for this weekend, from 1-4pm September 11th and 12th. The tournament is free and open to anyone at ISB including ES, MS, and HS students, and faculty! Please find more information at, or sign up HERE. Questions? Contact the hosts at Hope to see you there!

Reimagining the World…One Idea at a Time!
A Virtual Peace Day Assembly  Wednesday, September 15, 2021
The pandemic has provided an opportunity to press pause on life as we know it, to ponder questions like, How can we better care for those around us?, and How do we heal the planet we share?, and ultimately to Reimagine the World – better! Links for the live webinar assembly on September 15th will be shared with students early next week. Parents will be invited to view a recording of this year’s celebration in next week’s eNews.

Panther Purrfect EP 2  
Featuring:  ISB Alumna and Olympian Amelie Iuel
Cubs Corner, and winners of the Pingpong Ch-Ch-Ch-Challenge!!!

Panther Pride – Run, Ride and Walk

Any time on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th September 

Run, Ride or Walk alone or with your family wearing your ISB Panther Spirit Wear. Staying Active and showing your Panther Spirit.

Complete your Run, Ride or Walk on the weekend of the event. Send in your photo wearing your Black & Gold colors and complete the entry form HERE with your total distance and photos.

This event is open to all ISB community members.

Don’t have Panther Spirit wear? Or do you want to refresh your wardrobe? 
Check out the Booster Hut Online Catalogue HERE and place your orders today! 

Remember to stay safe and continue to practice physical distancing as you take part in this community effort to remain active and connected!

Panther Run supporting iCARE
When you pass by the ISB front gate, take a picture with our ISB Panthers poster and drop a donation in the iCare donation box that is located at the ISB Guard Station at the front of the school.

iCare Thailand Foundation is a charitable organisation that is committed to meaningful community development that helps the underprivileged. With the COVID pandemic at a record high in Thailand, they need our help to provide food and supplies to those in home isolation in 7 different slums. Due to the order locking down construction camps, iCare also provides food to 7 different construction camps in need. 

A food supply bag costs 450 baht and a fresh produce bag costs 115 baht. Every little bit counts towards helping our communities in need. Consider making a small contribution this weekend during our Panther Run. The iCare donation box is located at the ISB Guard Station at the front of the school.

Upcoming Events
11th and 12th of September: Panther Pride – Walk, Run and Bike
20th – 24th September – ISB Spirit Week


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