ES e-News for September 3, 2021

Weekly Message from the Principal

On behalf of the entire ES Faculty, thank-you for joining us for our Virtual Open House last night.  We hope the sessions increased your understanding about ISB’s approaches to personalized learning and gave you an opportunity to experience the high levels of professional collaboration on each team. Although it would be much better to be building home-school partnerships face-to-face in our classroom environments, we appreciate your efforts to connect with us by attending the virtual sessions! 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen

ES Parent Engage September 9 @ 1:45pm

Join our ES, Librarian, Literacy Coach and Technology coach to learn about our ES Library collection, ebook collections and other online resources.  Get tips on supporting readers at home, and take an honest look at digital balance in your life.  A family who reads together “captures joy” every day. 


Virtual Playdates

Due to virtual school, many kids haven’t seen their friends in several months. Virtual playdates can keep kids socially connected to their networks—and are fairly low lift for already stressed parents. Elementary school kids may feel the separation from their friends the most as they have established friendships and are less likely to have their own devices to stay in touch.

  • Secure devices for children to use. They may want to have one to one conversations with their closest friends as they would in the playground. Make sure groups and conversations are private and you’ve applied the appropriate safety settings and restrictions.
  • Suggest activities to do during video calls. Schedule some activities to do together amongst their regular schedule, like playing a game or setting up a book club or Netflix party. Some other ideas include: 
    • Scavenger Hunt
    • Dance Off
    • Story Time
    • Art Time
    • Show and Tell
    • Shared Play
    • Parent-led games

ISB Technical Support

Our ISB tech support team is eager to help!  If you need support, please inform your student name/last name as well as the ID# which is on the back of the child’s iPad when you email 

 No School for Students on September 16/17

September 16/17 are a Professional Day and ISB Holiday; there will be no classes for students.  Classes will resume on Monday, September 20, 2021.  

Parent Presentation and Future Session
Thank you to those parents who attended the PK-12 Counselor presentation, “Supporting Your Child’s Social/Emotional Wellbeing in the time of COVID”. We hope that parents found it helpful and engaging. 

For those parents that missed the presentation, or would like to rewatch it, a recording of the Zoom session can be viewed here:

Counselors heard parents during the session express that they would appreciate support on parent self-care during these times, as well. Please mark you calendars for a presentation, Self Care for Parents during the pandemic on September 15th, 1:30-2:30 PM

Meet Your ES School Counselors

Hello from the ES Counseling Team! We work with students, families, and teachers to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments. 

Nicole Tessmer is our ES Psychologist and one of our School Counselors. As counselor,  she provides counseling lessons and counseling support to our PreK classrooms and to Karlie Barness’s first grade classroom.  As a School Psychologist, she collaborates and consults with parents and school staff to support students with a diverse range of academic, social-emotional and behavioral needs.  This sometimes includes providing a psycho-educational evaluation to help determine if a student is in need of additional support at school.

Kate Kersey is our School Counselor who supports students in KG – Gr. 2. She provides classroom counseling lessons to these grades, works with students individually or in small groups, and consults with parents and teachers. Her lessons may cover such diverse topics as developing conflict resolution skills, problem-solving skills, and diversity and identity among others.

Doug Williamson is our School Counselor who supports students in Gr. 3 – 5. He provides classroom counseling lessons to these grades, works with students individually or in small groups, and consults with parents and teachers. His lessons may cover such diverse topics as developing problem-solving skills, real world and online safety, and personal health among others.

Parents, we greatly look forward to working with you and your children!  Please reach out at any time if we can be of assistance at:,, or

 Please check out our video link here.

Hidden Multilinguals

ISB’s after-school Panther Native Language Academy (PNLA) aims to support multilingual students unable to take a class in their native language(s) during the school day, or who need additional support as determined by the daytime teacher.

A native language is generally described as a language used on a daily basis with at least one parent. We typically send PNLA information to families we know are multilingual. 

However, we sometimes miss “hidden multilinguals” whose native/near-native language(s) we don’t know about. Examples:

  • Korean student who attended school in French in Africa
  • American students who acquired Spanish in Chile and Peru
  • Thai student who studied Chinese intensively at prior school

If your child(ren) are “hidden multilinguals” and may benefit from PNLA, please get in touch:

The languages taught in PNLA are native Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, and Thai for PK2. (PK2 Thai will begin later this school year.) 

More details about native/near-native language classes at ISB are here.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Technology Acceptable Use Agreements

We have added technology acceptable use agreements for all ES students and parents to read and sign on Powerschool. This is important as it clarifies expectations for students to use technology at ISB. We are asking all parents to digitally sign (students in grades 2 and up, will co-sign) these and read and discuss them with your child to ensure they understand agreements. To do this, login to Powerschool and click on “Technology Agreements”, click Yes, and then submit. If you have any questions or points of clarification, you can email me at 

Please complete by Friday, Sept 3rd.  

ES HUB Update

Scan our quick access QR codes below to:

  • browse our collection, 
  • check out books, 
  • read/signup for Sora our online ebook system
  • Schedule an appointment with a HUB staff member (starting August 19)
  • Explore other online reading opportunities
  • Or, Just visit our HUB website!


Do you love to sing, move, or play instruments? Think about joining one of our free ES Music Ensembles. Participation in either the Panther Choir, Panther Orff Ensemble, or Panther String Ensemble will allow you to learn and grow as a musician and performer, all while having fun with kids who love music too! All three ensembles are open to grades 3, 4, and 5 students and are free of charge.  

How to register on CHQ

Step by step instructions for navigating CHQ can be found HERE. Simply log into PowerSchool, then press the CHQ button on the left side of your screen. Once in CHQ you will find an account for each of your children in which you will only be able to see the activities for that child’s age group and grade level. Where available, you may click the blue “i” to the right of each activity title for a description of that activity. Questions? Please contact Anthony Giles or Lucas Rivera at

Panther Choir 

  • Day & Time: Tuesdays, 1:45-2:45 pm, Start Date: September 14th
  • Length of Season: All Year (both semesters)
  • Cost: Free
  • Enrollment Limit: 30 members

Panther Choir is an ensemble for anyone who would like to experience singing music from different cultures and styles outside of our elementary music classes. Students will also have the opportunity to add movement or choreography to some of our songs. Panther Choir is open to a maximum of 30 students in Grades 3-5, and meets each Tuesday from 1:45-2:45 pm during Virtual School. The time will be adjusted when we return to in-person school. There is no audition to join Panther Choir, and it is free of charge. Panther Choir is a year long activity. For more information, including an introductory video, please click HERE.

Panther Orff Ensemble

  • Day & Time: Tuesdays, 1:45-2:45 pm, Start Date: September 14th
  • Length of Season: All Year (both semesters)
  • Cost: Free
  • Enrollment Limit: 24 members

Panther Orff Ensemble is an opportunity to explore music and performance through playing instruments, singing, and creative movement. Panther Orff Ensemble is open to a maximum of 24 students in grades 3-5, and will meet every Tuesday from 1:45 to 2:45 during Virtual School. The time will be adjusted when we return to in-person school. Panther Orff Ensemble is a year-long activity and is free of charge. For more information, including an introductory video, please click HERE

Panther String Ensemble

  • Day & Time: Tuesdays, 3:00-4:00 pm, Start Date: September 14th
  • Length of Season: All Year (both semesters)
  • Cost: Free
  • Enrollment Limit: None

Panther String Ensemble is open to students in grades 3-5 who play the violin, viola, cello or double bass, and who are looking for an opportunity to play their string instrument with other young musicians. Interested students should already be able to play the G and D major scales and one solo piece (can be a piece from Suzuki Book 1 or similar) before joining. If unsure about your qualifications, please contact Ms. Su at Joining the Panther String Ensemble is a great way to meet new friends, improve your technique, and learn new music! We will meet each Tuesday from 3:00-4:00 pm during Virtual School starting September 14th with the time adjusted once we return to campus. Panther String Ensemble is a year-long activity and Involvement in the ensemble is free of charge. For more detailed information please click HERE

Watch Panther Purrfect Promo 2 to learn more about next week’s  Celebrity sPAWtlight and Ch-Ch-Ch-Challenge!!!

FREE Asynchronous Basketball With Ike from Panther Basketball. He has designed a unique online program that utilizes a specific curriculum to help our players improve their shooting, ball handling, agility, quickness (SAQ), and footwork.

FREE Asynchronous Baseball-Softball K-G2 with Coach Wade, join for a fun at home training! This video is designed for baseball and softball players between K – G2 with a new or beginner skill set.

FREE Asynchronous Baseball-Softball G3- HS with Coach Wade, join for a fun at home training! This video is designed for baseball and softball players between  G3-HS.

FREE Thursday’s 3.00 – 3.45pm Drop in Dance Session: Learn A Tik Tok Dance with Ms. Gam. Pop into her zoom session HERE to learn her favorite Tik Tok routine and perhaps show off your favorite.

FREE Mondays 5.00 – 5.45pm Drop in Gymnastics Session: Learn some new movements and gymnastics skills with Coach Ball. Pop into his fun zoom session HERE to learn skills and movements through color, music and games.

Click HERE for more information!

Panther Dance Clinic

How to register on CHQ Step by step instructions can be found HERE.


Panther Pride – Run, Ride and Walk

Any time on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th September 

Run, Ride or Walk alone or with your family wearing your ISB Panther Spirit Wear. Staying Active and showing your Panther Spirit.

Complete your Run, Ride or Walk on the weekend of the event. Send in your photo wearing your Black & Gold colors and complete the entry form HERE with your total distance and photos.

This event is open to all ISB community members.

Don’t have Panther Spirit wear? Or do you want to refresh your wardrobe? 
Check out the Booster Hut Online Catalogue HERE and place your orders today! 

Remember to stay safe and continue to practice physical distancing as you take part in this community effort to remain active and connected!

Panther Run supporting iCARE

iCare Thailand Foundation is a charitable organisation that is committed to meaningful community development that helps the underprivileged. With the COVID pandemic at a record high in Thailand, they need our help to provide food and supplies to those in home isolation in 7 different slums. Due to the order locking down construction camps, iCare also provides food to 7 different construction camps in need. 

A food supply bag costs 450 baht and a fresh produce bag costs 115 baht. Every little bit counts towards helping our communities in need. Consider making a small contribution this weekend during our Panther Run. The iCare donation box is located at the ISB Guard Station at the front of the school.

ISB Virtual Talent Show Sign Up Next Week! 

Exciting news! ISB’s Got Talent is planning on hosting a talent show online! Watch for details next week about how parents can sign up their children.  All the money earned will go to the iCare organization. 

Upcoming Events
11th and 12th of September: Panther Pride – Walk, Run and Bike
20th – 24th September – ISB Spirit Week

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