Munch and Meet – a casual chance for students to connect

Starting next week, some MS teachers will be hosting “Munch and Meets” – during Virtual School lunch blocks. These are OPTIONAL opportunities for students to join a Zoom session during their lunch time, bring along some food to eat, and casually “hang out” with other students in an informal environment. 

Information and the Zoom link for these will be provided to students in the Good Morning Middle School bulletin emails.

We are very aware of how much time students spend on screens, so the intent of this is not to insist or require more. On the other hand, while we are in Virtual School we recognize that students are missing casual social interactions that would be common and natural if we were on campus. These Munch and Meets are there for students to join if they want to, without any requirement to attend, stay, or come back.

We hope that some find it useful to meet and connect with other students.

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