Message from HS Principal

Justin Aexander

Dear Parents,

We enjoyed an excellent second week of school with our students settling into their work and their learning with great support from their teachers. Attendance has been great and energy levels are still up. I was able to join a few classes (via zoom) this week and it was great to see our kids smiling and (mostly) happy faces during their lessons and of course our teachers challenging our kids to think, take risks and express themselves in class. 

However, we do know that virtual school is not necessarily the favorite way of ‘doing school’ for some of our students and so we encourage them to ask for help, reach out and let their teachers and counselors know if things are not going as well as hoped for. We have a strong team of teachers, counselors and administrators here in the HS all ready to help. 

Thank you to all of our students that participated in the club fairs this week and pre-season training for Season 1 sports. Clubs, athletics and other activities all begin next week so please encourage your child to sign up, join up and turn up!

Mark your calendars for the upcoming HS Open House on Tuesday September 7th at 6pm (virtually). We will be sharing more information in next week’s Enews about how you can come along and meet the teachers, learn about the curriculum and the expectations of each class. 

Have a great weekend.

Justin Alexander

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