Weekly Message from Dr. Michael Allen

Thank you goes out to all of our teachers and parents for prioritizing home-school connections this past week!  Developing strong relationships virtually poses significant challenges, and we appreciate that families have made it a priority to connect with their child’s teacher as we launched the school year.

ISB teachers have been actively supporting each other as well.  2020-21 specialists, counselors, and classroom teachers have been intentionally communicating with the current 2021-22 teachers and sharing celebrations about students based on their past personal experiences with them.  Below is one of our celebration tools teachers used to frame structured conversations about our students this week:

Thank you again goes out to all the adults in the ISB community for demonstrating and modeling the ADAPTABLE attribute for our children this past week.  Children look to us as models; simply put, our actions speak much louder than our words.

Please continue to maintain a strong home-school connection by keeping your child’s teachers, counselors,or administrators informed of any questions or challenges you might be having as we’re eager to work in partnership towards win/win solutions. 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen

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