Attendance in Virtual School

Andy Vaughan

Thank you to all parents for your support in helping ensure your child is on time to their classes in virtual school, we have had great attendance. 

As we shared last week in the enews, the success of your child’s learning in online learning is highly correlated to their attendance and participation in classes. As a reminder from last week, please see below for the two expectations for students in the Bangkok time zone, or close to it and those in very different time zones. 

If there are any cases where your child needs to miss a class, please let us know by emailing Khun Gade (

Attendance for students in local time zones
All students in Thailand and time zones that are within three hours to Thailand’s timezone need to attend class live.

Attendance will be taken in the first few minutes of all classes. For any student who is marked absent, an email will be sent to parents and the student to communicate that they are not in class. If there is ever a mistake with this attendance, please ask your child to contact the teacher in the first instance to correct their attendance on PowerSchool.

Attendance for students in very different time zones
If your child is in a very different time zone, which means that engaging in online learning is not possible for all blocks of the day due to either staying up too late or being awake too early, we encourage them to attend as many periods in the day as possible based on their location.

For example, for students located within America’s time zones, they should attend morning classes, which will be late evening in the USA. For students located within Europe, Africa, or Middle East time zones they should attend afternoon classes, which will be early morning.

 The virtual school schedule will be changed to a 5/6 rotation on 30 August to allow students to access all classes from different time zones.

 For all students in another time zone, parents should have reached out to Mr. Alexander via email. All students in very different time zones will have attendance recorded with the absence code NPVS (Not Present Virtual School), which does not count towards total absences. 

Andy Vaughan
High School Dean of Students

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