G11 IB Predicted Grades report is now on PowerSchool

Dear Gr11 Parents,

If your child is enrolled in an IB class and will continue with that course next year either as an IB Diploma or IB Course Candidate, we would like to give you an update with the following information: 

The first round of IB Predicted Grades have been uploaded onto PowerSchool.

Select ‘Grades and Attendance’, copy a password and paste the password to open IB Predicted Grades.

IB Predicted Grades are an estimate of student performance  in anticipation of what the student might achieve in final IB exams and coursework submission. Predicted Grades are based on a body of evidence collected and the professional judgment of the teacher. These grades may change as teachers gather more evidence. This is the first time our teachers are communicating a Predicted Grade for each student. At this time, it is possible that the Predicted Grade will be on the boundary between two levels and will be reported accordingly. Please note, these Predicted Grades are for internal purposes.

The next update for Predicted Grades takes place in October; PGs are then collected again in January and March. 

October Predicted Grades will be sent to universities and colleges as part of the college application process. 

If you have any questions regarding these Predicted Grades, please communicate directly with the teacher as well as the Dean of Academics, Justyna McMillan.

Secondly, we wanted to let you know about exam dates for next year. In order to help support students with exam practice and taking a cumulative exam in an exam setting, we have placed an ‘exam week’ in the first semester of Gr12. The dates of these exams are 4th -8th October. 

In the second semester IB Mock Exams will take place March 9th – 17th. The actual IB exams start on April 28th and are finished May 20th. 

For all of the exams, we will publish full exam schedules next year. 

More information about all exams will be shared at the beginning of the school year, but we just wanted to give you a ‘heads up’ with the dates. 

Justyna McMillan
High School Dean of Academics

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