Peace Day 2021 – Reimagine the World

With “Reimagine the World” recently announced by the UN as the theme for September 21st, 2021 Peace Day celebration, it’s time we started reimagining how we might devote our annual whole school assembly to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within our community and beyond. Got some ideas? Interested in helping out?  See below… 

“If You’re Out There” ISB Community Music Video Project
In honor of Peace Day, September 21st, we invite all ISB community members (parents, students and staff) to help us with a community music video project. If you love to sing, and you’d like to be part of this meaningful experience, please click HERE for more information. 
An Invitation to Reimagine the World from GIN Club
Do you have an idea to reimagine our world and make it better? HS GIN Club and the Peace Day Assembly Planning Committee challenge you to share your ideas whether small or big. It could be a song, a dance, a poem, an invention, or artwork, or something you have done or an idea you would like to see happen. Please watch the video HERE for more information and then share your ideas on the ISB Peace Day padlet! A padlet is a collaborative online notice board. You can add text, photos, videos or links to it. Feel free to comment on others’ posts and make connections or get inspired! Keep in mind that this padlet is accessible to all ISB community members so please keep posts appropriate for all ages. 
1. To add a post, simply click the “+” button on the bottom right hand corner here: 
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2. Then choose to add text, photos or videos sharing your idea by clicking the icons below. Please add your name to the post. 
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