ISB COVID Update: End of Year Message

Dear ISB Community,

With the summer vacation approaching, please find below some ISB news and updates.


We strongly encourage all ISB community members to get vaccinated if possible this summer. We have already been successful in securing vaccines for some of our faculty and staff and are trying hard everyday to secure vaccines for our entire community. 

MedPark Hospital has provided us with this link, unique to the ISB community, for parents and students over 18 to register for a vaccine. We anticipate that Sinovac and AstraZeneca will be the vaccines available. Please register with MedPark if you are interested.

At the moment, we are still waiting to learn if our application for the Sinopharm vaccine has been approved. 

We will reach out again if we have information regarding other vaccine opportunities in Thailand.

Reopening Campus

I know we are all hoping that we can open campus to students on 16th August. We will be preparing for all eventualities, however, including in person learning, virtual school and different hybrid models.

We will communicate as soon as we know what is happening as we understand that our community will appreciate as much certainty as possible at this time. The key indicator will be what happens to national schools in the weeks ahead.

Summer Facilities Work

Over the summer we will be renovating and expanding the ES cafeteria, providing more playground spaces for our students, expanding the ES Makerspace, putting the finishing touches on the East Exit, and re-asphalting the parking lot. In addition, we will be installing new doors in all classrooms with doors in the ES and MS scheduled to be completed over the summer. 

Free Virtual Summer School

We are in the process of scheduling the close to 500 registration requests received for our upcoming session of Virtual Summer School scheduled for Monday, June 21 to Friday, July 2. Emails will go out early next week at the latest to confirm what class(es) your children have been scheduled for. For those who haven’t submitted a registration yet, but are interested, please click HERE for more information.

Concluding Comments

This year has been another challenging one for everyone in our school community, particularly with two different closures because of COVID. I am grateful for the cooperation of everyone during this challenging time. Two of our learner attributes are “adaptability” and “creativity” and we saw these in abundance from our teachers, students, parents and support staff. We understand well the role parents play during virtual school and we are very appreciative of all of your efforts.

For those returning to ISB, we look forward to seeing you again soon and we remain hopeful that we’ll be back on campus, ready to welcome your children into their regular school routines from the first day of school.

For those leaving ISB, a heartfelt thank you for placing your trust in us. We wish you all the very best and remember you are now Panthers for life. If we can help with anything as you transition to a new school or country, please reach out.

We wish everyone a well deserved holiday this summer.

Kind regards,


Andy Davies (Head of School)
Dhave Setabutr, M.D., (Health Coordinator)
Usa Somboon (Headmistress)
Mark Hevland (Director of Risk Management)
Debi Caskey (Deputy Head of School for Learning)
Marc de Vries (Deputy Head of School/CFO)
Justin Alexander (HS Principal)
Dennis Harter (MS Principal)
Michael Allen (ES Principal)

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