Virtual Summer School – Registration due by Monday, June 7th…

Dear Parents,

If you haven’t already and are planning to, please submit virtual summer school registration for your child(ren) by this coming Monday, June 7th so that we may begin scheduling classes.

A reminder that there are a limited number of seats available. Students will be scheduled based on the order their registration was received and each individual class is only being scheduled if we have sufficient enrollment for that class. Submitting a registration does not guarantee your child a spot.

Our goal is to complete all the scheduling by the end of next week. Once completed, you will either receive an email with your child’s scheduled virtual summer school class(es), or a note to let you know your child is on the waiting list etc.

At that time, we will advertise which classes are full and which still have some space for students.

A reminder, the ISB Virtual Summer School Program is only open to all students presently enrolled at ISB for the 2020-21 school year and to new students joining ISB in August (new students will be able to participate only if there are seats available). 

For more specific information about our virtual summer school program, courses being offered, and for the registration procedures, please visit our Summer School webpage on the ISB website.

For any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact me.




Mr. Maurilio Baron-Toaldo

ISB Summer School Director

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