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This Thursday is a Special Schedule Day

As we wind up the year, we recognize the amazing dedication, perseverance, and effort that students and teachers have demonstrated over 9 straight weeks of synchronous Virtual School. Everyone has spent hours on end on screens, immersed in zooms and classroom lessons. We know that this summer holiday presents everyone with an important opportunity to disconnect, get off screens, and pursue interests and other passions.

With the leadership of Ms. Kehe, the Middle School has put together a program we call RECHARGE. As the name suggests, it’s a program that can boost our energy again after a draining school term. The name also carries a further meaning as an acronym

  • Reading
  • Environment
  • Curiosity & Connections
  • Hands-on
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Rest & Recover
  • Get up and Move
  • Entertainment

On our library hosted RECHARGE site, we provide ideas for activities, inspiration for further learning, and resources for pursuing a passion or new interest.

Normally, on this last Thursday before school ends, we would engage students in a fun day off campus – connecting friends, having fun, and closing out the year. Since we can’t do that in our Virtual School environment, we are providing Thursday as a day for students to explore this site or find other ways to look ahead to a summer off of Zoom.

Students will still have an Advisory meeting at 12:00 noon, on June 10th

Scheduling the day this way also allows siblings of grade 8 students to spend the morning viewing the Grade 8 Moving On Ceremony, which will be broadcast starting at 9:00 AM.

Ultimately, we wanted to provide students with a day of choice on that final Thursday. Advisors will see students at noon and see what choices they made as they look ahead to “recharging” this summer. There are also options for Academic Enrichment or taking on our ISB Summer Reading Challenge.


Last Week Schedule 

Next week is the last week of school. Please note the student class schedule below. 

Last Week of School: June 7 – 11

  • Monday June 7, Day 4 Virtual School Schedule, 9:00-2:45
  • Tuesday June 8, Day 3 Virtual School Schedule, 9:00-2:45
  • Wednesday June 9, Day 4 Virtual School Schedule, 9:00-2:45
  • Thursday June 10, Special Schedule:
  • Friday June 11, Last Day of School
    • 9:15 – 10:15 End of Year Assembly Zoom Webinar
    • 10:20 – 10:45 Final Advisory of the Year


Middle School Pick up and Return plan 

Middle School will collect and distribute school materials on Thursday, June 10th and Friday, June 11th in the coming week, along with Monday to Wednesday of the week after school ends. For safety reasons, we will limit how many people interact by using an appointment system that manages numbers. 

All students will be able to collect their yearbook during this time.

Students may also need to collect:

  • locker contents (bagged and labeled by our staff)
  • artifacts from class (incl. art pieces)
  • Grade 8s only: Class photo & Certificates of MS completion

Students may need to return:

  • instruments
  • text books
  • library books
  • robotics kits
  • art supplies
  • Departing students only: school laptop and charger

Please book an appointment using the system linked. Students will be informed of what school materials they must return (if any) by their teacher.

Materials that aren’t returned may result in school reports and documents being held at school and not sent to families or next schools.

If you are unable to return items to campus, please contact Mr. Harter.


Middle School Schedule and Timetable for 2021-22 

ISB Middle School will return to the school hours used prior to this year for the 2021-22 school year. The MS school day will run from 7:20 AM to 2:25 PM, according to the schedule shared below.

  • First semester: Aug 16 – Dec 17
  • Second semester: Jan 10 – June 17

The significant changes to the schedule from 2020-21 include:

  • Start time returns to 7:20 AM
  • School day ends at 2:25 PM (no change in length of school day)
  • Advisory or a flexible use block will be at the start of the day
  • MS Athletics and Activities will take place 2:35-3:35 PM
  • Early Release Days (about once per month) will be on Wednesdays not Tuesdays
  • MS students will have lunch at 10:45 AM (15 minutes later than this year)


Student schedules to be sent in late July 

With enrollment having been uncertain as families make and change plans to complete the year, the MS has not completed it Master Schedule process for 2021-22. Staffing adjustments are being made to account for an improved enrollment projection and as such we will be continuing to build the Master Schedule into the summer months.

As such, the MS will send students their planned list of courses for 2021-22 in the week of July 26th. We are delaying sending this so that we may spend more time trying to schedule students for the electives that they requested.

Hopefully students can disconnect from school in the meantime and enjoy their summer break.


Virtual Summer School – Registration due by Monday, June 7th… 

Dear Parents,

If you haven’t already and are planning to, please submit virtual summer school registration for your child(ren) by this coming Monday, June 7th so that we may begin scheduling classes.

A reminder that there are a limited number of seats available. Students will be scheduled based on the order their registration was received and each individual class is only being scheduled if we have sufficient enrollment for that class. Submitting a registration does not guarantee your child a spot.

Our goal is to complete all the scheduling by the end of next week. Once completed, you will either receive an email with your child’s scheduled virtual summer school class(es), or a note to let you know your child is on the waiting list etc.

At that time, we will advertise which classes are full and which still have some space for students.

A reminder, the ISB Virtual Summer School Program is only open to all students presently enrolled at ISB for the 2020-21 school year and to new students joining ISB in August (new students will be able to participate only if there are seats available). 

For more specific information about our virtual summer school program, courses being offered, and for the registration procedures, please visit our Summer School webpage on the ISB website.

For any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact me.




Mr. Maurilio Baron-Toaldo

ISB Summer School Director


Fragrant City: Kitti Narod Solo Exhibition 20 May – 13 June 2021 

Tang Contemporary Art is proud to present “Fragrant City,” a solo show for Thai artist, Kitti Narod, in its Bangkok space, which will run from 20 May – 13 June 2021. After “Joy Land,” this is Narod’s second solo exhibition with the gallery, which will present fourteen of his most recent works.


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