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Last week

Justin Alexander


Dear Parents, 

We are now approaching the very last school week of a challenging academic year, where students, teachers and families alike have faced a variety of challenges and surprises along the way. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect many lives and livelihoods around the world, but despite the turmoil it has created and continues to cause, our students at ISB have continued to engage with their learning and continue to grow as students. 

We are proud of all of our students and their achievements and successes during this year, which has been recorded in our Yearbook, in our award ceremonies, final music performances, assemblies and throughout our communications. Please do take a moment over the course of the week ahead to reflect and talk with your child about their successes and the challenges they faced this year. We look forward with hope and optimism to a summer where we can connect with family and friends, read a book, be active, maybe travel and certainly spend less time on a computer screen.

The week ahead will see classes completing learning activities, saying goodbyes and wrapping things up before our final assembly on Friday (10.30-11.30am). I’ll share a final message next week on Friday, but with many families making an early start on travel plans (to get vaccinated or to see family), I wanted to be sure to say a big thank you to our departing families and safe travels to everyone that is travelling over the break.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal


HS Schedule presentation 
Justin Alexander

In addition to the email communication that was sent out earlier this week about next year’s schedule, the HS Admin team also hosted a zoom webinar with interested parents earlier today. You can see the slideshow of the presentation by clicking HERE. Thank you to all the parents who joined us this morning. 

Justin Alexander
High School Principal


Leaving ISB before June 11th
Justin Alexander

As you will know, ISB will remain in Virtual School for the remainder of the school year. We will continue to run Virtual School following the schedule we have been using, following a Day 3 or Day 4 order of periods each day 

Parents who plan to leave BKK or Thailand prior to June 11th are asked to contact Mr. Justin Alexander (High School Principal) via email with details of departure dates etc. Students that leave before the end of school year will still be able to join their classmates and their teachers via zoom online. 


Departing ISB Permanently?

Andy Vaughan

Students who are departing ISB permanently and have not already contacted our HS Registrar, Khun Fon ( for documents should request these through the following link:

Documents will be prepared and available from Wednesday 16 June for all departing students. Parents that need an official transcript for admissions can have this emailed directly to their new school, only unofficial transcripts can be emailed directly to parents. 

All students who are leaving ISB permanently and who have not departed Thailand already will receive an email on Monday requesting for a booking time to return laptops, books and equipment and to finalise any refunds or payments through the Business Office. These drop off times will be on Thursday and Friday afternoon, however if you already have booked a time with ES or MS book returns on these days, please contact Andy Vaughan ( to allow for only one visit.

Final Week of School Schedule

Andy Vaughan


The final week of school will follow the schedule below. Please note that Friday will have the normal 11.30am student dismissal.

Monday 7 June: Day 3
Tuesday 8 June: Day 4
Wednesday 9 June: Day 3

Thursday 10 June: Alternate Schedule

9.00 – 9.25       Period One
9.35 – 10.00     Period Two
10.05 – 10.25   House Slot One (in Advisory)
10.30 – 10.55   Period Three
11.05 – 11.30    Period Four
11.30 – 12.30   Lunch
12.30 – 12.55   Period Five
1.05 – 2.25       House Slot Two (in Advisory)
2.35 – 3.00      Period Six
3.00                 Dismissal

Friday 11 June: Alternate Schedule
9.00 – 9.25     Period Seven
9.35 – 10.00   Period Eight
10.10-10.25    Final Advisory
10.35 – 11.30  Final Assembly
11.30               Start of Summer!!!

Please note that attendance is being taken for all class blocks and any absences count towards a students total absences. For students who are overseas where timezones make either the first class extremely early in the morning (E.g. Europe/UK) or the last class well into the night (e.g. East Coast USA), we understand that some teachers may be able to be flexible with attendance in the lesson and allow for completion of the work later in the day, however this can only be for the early or late lessons of the day.

News from the School Counselors

Kevin Callahan

As the Covid situation is extremely changeable everywhere in the world, it’s important to look after one another and also to keep busy doing things that aren’t on a screen.  A couple of ideas for physical activity are here, from the British Journal of Medicine.  Students who currently have a PE class will also have workouts available to them.  For many people, the chance to do a different activity or workout on different days keeps it fresh and easier to continue on a regular basis. 

Next week we’ll have a few ideas on what to do during the break in these strange and challenging times.  For now, one week of school left!  Have a great weekend,

The High School Counselors


News from the College Office
Sonya Ohlsson

Graduating Seniors:

Final transcripts have been sent for all seniors who indicated where it should go in their Cialfo. Most were sent electronically, but for those we could not send through cyberspace, we sent by old fashioned post. Those schools that are waiting for IB results, that will happen in the first week of July. If you need your IB number or login information,please reach out to Khun Mook or Ms. McMillan as they are the keepers of all things IB!

Seniors should be regularly checking their University’s website for Covid-19 updates (about what the start of school will look like, F-1 student visa info, registering for classes, etc.)  Seniors should also be checking with the Embassy of the country they will enter for university about Student Visas.

Juniors (rising seniors!):
Talk to your counselors now before the end of the school year because they will not be available during the summer!!

Summer Programs:
If you are wondering what to do during the summer, check out our summer program opportunities list on the College Counseling Google site: Summer Programs 

College Virtual Visits:
There are no more ISB college virtual visits, but that doesn’t mean you can’t virtually visit a college or university! Please go directly to the website of the university you are interested in learning more about and see what they have to offer. Remember, you are shopping for colleges, so take the time to check them out, see what they are about and if they are the right fit. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions to make sure they are good enough for you! 


News from HS Library

Christopher Bell

Please click News from HS Library



NOTES & BOLTS: News from Design, Fine and Performing Arts at ISB

Anthony Giles

While a number of arts events have been postponed or cancelled due to the current campus closure, many are still on virtually, and we have even added a few! Please see the list below of what’s on and when to tune in. Note that there were some issues with the link given out earlier for the Panther Dance Performance now moved to June 11th, and the MS band Concert, now scheduled on June 10th.     

What’s On…

HS BOrCh Concert – Aired at 6:30pm May 18th

ES Music Spring Concert – Aired at 6:30pm May 24th 

Legs 4 Legs Dance Benefit 2021 – Aired at 4:00pm May 25th

MS Choir & Strings Spring Concert – Aired at 6:30pm May 27th

MS Virtual Visual Art Exhibition – Now through September 1st 

NEW DATE: MS Band Spring Concert – 6:30pm June 10th (new link to follow next week

NEW DATE: Panther Dance Performance – 1:00pm June 11th (new link to follow next week)




Anthony Giles

 Missed the meeting on Wednesday about next year’s High School Musical, and how you can get involved on stage or off? No problem, just see the information contained in the packet HERE. Auditions for the show will be held August 16-21, 2021 and are open to all high school students, grades 9-12. Questions? Please contact Mr. Giles, Ms. Fuson, or Ms. Price at,, or respectively.  




Fragrant City: Kitti Narod Solo Exhibition 20 May – 13 June 2021 Tang 

Anthony Giles

Contemporary Art is proud to present “Fragrant City,” a solo show for Thai artist, Kitti Narod, in its Bangkok space, which will run from 20 May – 13 June 2021. After “Joy Land,” this is Narod’s second solo exhibition with the gallery, which will present fourteen of his most recent works.


PAW PRINTS: News from the Panther Den 

Anthony Giles

Plans for 2021-22 Panther Activities Have Begun

As we continue to organize refunds via wire transfer for all cancelled Panther Activities sessions April 6th onward, know that our team is also planning for a full array of offerings for August, 2021 including some exciting new options, and a partnership with ISB Athletics to provide year round access to many of the sport fixtures kids love!  Questions? Contact Lucas or Anthony at We miss your kids!!!



Virtual Summer School – Registration due by Monday, June 7th…

Maurilio Baron-Toaldo

Dear Parents,

If you haven’t already and are planning to, please submit virtual summer school registration for your child(ren) by this coming Monday, June 7th so that we may begin scheduling classes.

A reminder that there are a limited number of seats available. Students will be scheduled based on the order their registration was received and each individual class is only being scheduled if we have sufficient enrollment for that class. Submitting a registration does not guarantee your child a spot.

Our goal is to complete all the scheduling by the end of next week. Once completed, you will either receive an email with your child’s scheduled virtual summer school class(es), or a note to let you know your child is on the waiting list etc.

At that time, we will advertise which classes are full and which still have some space for students.

 A reminder, the ISB Virtual Summer School Program is only open to all students presently enrolled at ISB for the 2020-21 school year and to new students joining ISB in August (new students will be able to participate only if there are seats available). 

For more specific information about our virtual summer school program, courses being offered, and for the registration procedures, please visit our Summer School webpage on the ISB website.

For any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mr. Maurilio Baron-Toaldo
ISB Summer School Director


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