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Schedule for the Last Weeks of School

With two weeks remaining in the school year, we wanted to share the schedule adjustments that are being made.

Next Week: May 31 – June 4

  • Monday  May 31, Day 4 Virtual School Schedule, 9:00-2:45
  • Tuesday June 1, Day 3 Virtual School Schedule, 9:00-2:45
  • Wednesday June 2, Day 4 Virtual School Schedule, 9:00-2:45
  • Thursday June 3, Queen’s Birthday Holiday – No School
  • Friday June 4, Day 3 Virtual School Schedule, 9:00-2:45

Last Week of School: June 7 – 11

  • Monday June 7, Day 4 Virtual School Schedule, 9:00-2:45
  • Tuesday June 8, Day 3 Virtual School Schedule, 9:00-2:45
  • Wednesday June 9, Day 4 Virtual School Schedule, 9:00-2:45
  • Thursday June 10, Grade 8 Moving On Ceremony & Gr 6-7 RECHARGE DAY (see explanation)
  • Friday June 11, Last Day of School
    • 9:15 – 10:15 End of Year Assembly Zoom Webinar
    • 10:20 – 10:45 Final Advisory of the Year


Grade 8 Moving On Ceremony Broadcast 

We invite all MS families to join us in celebrating our Grade 8 students’ completion of middle school and their “Moving On” to high school. 

The ceremony will be broadcast at 9:00 AM on Thursday, June 10th, Bangkok time.

This link can be shared with family around the world:

For all of the Middle School, we have gone with a choice based schedule to allow Grade 6 &  7 students to watch their Grade 8 friends in the Moving On Ceremony, if they wish, or to engage in some RECHARGE activities (more about that here). 

For our students moving on, we hope the day is one of celebration with their family. Grade 8 students will not have any classes that day, so hopefully families will make it a special one for them.


Thursday June 10th – Gr6 & Gr7 RECHARGE DAY 

As we wind up the year in two weeks, we recognize the amazing dedication, perseverance, and effort that students and teachers have demonstrated over 9 straight weeks of synchronous Virtual School. Everyone has spent hours on end on screens, immersed in zooms and classroom lessons. We know that this summer holiday presents everyone with an important opportunity to disconnect, get off screens, and pursue interests and other passions.

With the leadership of Ms. Kehe, the Middle School has put together a program we call RECHARGE. As the name suggests, it’s a program that can boost our energy again after a draining school term. The name also carries a further meaning as an acronym

  • Reading
  • Environment
  • Curiosity & Connections
  • Hands-on
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Rest & Recover
  • Get up and Move
  • Entertainment

On our library hosted RECHARGE site, we provide ideas for activities, inspiration for further learning, and resources for pursuing a passion or new interest.

Normally, on this last Thursday before school ends, we would engage students in a fun day off campus – connecting friends, having fun, and closing out the year. Since we can’t do that in our Virtual School environment, we are providing Thursday as a day for students to explore this site or find other ways to look ahead to a summer off of Zoom.

Students will still have an Advisory meeting at 12:00 noon, on June 10th

Scheduling the day this way also allows siblings of grade 8 students to spend the morning viewing the Grade 8 Moving On Ceremony, which will be broadcast starting at 9:00 AM.

Ultimately, we wanted to provide students with a day of choice on that final Thursday. Advisors will see students at noon and see what choices they made as they look ahead to “recharging” this summer.


MS VIRTUAL OLYMPICS (31st May – 10th June) 

If you lack some motivation to stay active, the MS Virtual Olympics might be just the thing that gives you a purpose to stay active!

We will be competing with PE classes to find out who will be the June Olympic Champions in Middle School. 

Teachers and parents: We have a team for you too if you want to join. The goal is to help you stay active until the end of the year! 

Every time you complete a physical activity in June, log it on this form to add points to your class total. You can include your activities during PE classes, but also anything else you do throughout the week (PE only is not enough). You can now get credit for walking your dog in the morning! 

We will keep a live leaderboard in the Good Morning Middle School, so you can check how your class is doing. 

Point system:

Walk/Run: 1km = 1 point

Bike/roller blade 2 km = 1 point

Workout: 10 min = 1 point

Playing sports: 10 min = 1 point

Lap swimming: 10 min= 2 points


It’s simple. Fill in your details, select your class/activities and add your daily total. 

The goal is to get at least 10.000 points per class. 

Have fun and may the best team win! 







FREE VIRTUAL SUMMER SCHOOL – Registration is now open! 

With the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand and the ongoing closure of our school campus, the onsite ISB Summer School Program previously posted here will not be taking place this summer. In its place, we are now offering an optional two-week virtual summer school program at no cost to parents again this year.

There are a limited number of seats available so placements will be assigned based on the order registrations are received and each individual class will only be scheduled if there is sufficient enrollment. 

Please note, the ISB Virtual Summer School Program is open to all students enrolled at ISB for the 2020-21 school year. New students joining ISB in August will be able to participate only if there are seats available; the exception to this is the Virtual MS/HS EAL Summer Courses which are open to both present and new EAL students joining ISB in August.

Purpose of the ISB Virtual Summer School Program: 

To provide students with supplemental academic learning and/or enrichment opportunities, and to provide some opportunities to explore areas of interest through a variety of virtual “camps”. 

Dates and Times for ISB Virtual Summer School 2021:

  • Opens – Monday, June 21st

  • Closes – Friday, July 2nd

  • Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Bangkok time

Students can sign up for an academic program OR the special interest camps, but not both. Please read carefully the more specific information provided about each program and special interest camps tentatively being offered and for the registration procedures on our summer school webpage.

For any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mr. Maurilio Baron-Toaldo

ISB Summer School Director 


Repeat Announcement: Leaving before June 11th?

As you will have seen from schoolwide communication earlier this week, ISB will remain in Virtual School for the remainder of the school year. We will continue to run Virtual School following the schedule we have been using, following a Day 3 or Day 4 order of periods each day (see other post).

Parents who plan to leave BKK or Thailand prior to June 11th are asked to contact Mr. Dennis Harter, MS Principal, to share details.

Please note that if students leave Thailand and alternate time zones hinder attending live classes, the work that students need to complete will still be posted online.




Repeat Announcement: Pick up of school items

As we wind up the school year, there will be school materials for students to return and items here on campus that need to be returned to students. Middle School will coordinate pick up and drop off times to take place starting Thursday, June 10th and continuing on Friday, June 11th and into the following week once school has ended.

In order to maintain safety guidelines, we will minimize interaction. Items to be collected will be bagged and labeled and left in the front area of school for students to take and bins will be provided for students to return the necessary items. 

In the case of students who are withdrawing from ISB, laptops and chargers will need to be returned to a designated table where and Ed-Tech representative can check and collect the items. Please note that school records and documents will only be ready as of June 11th.

For withdrawing students who are leaving Bangkok earlier than the end of the year, please contact Mr. Harter to determine plans for the return of the laptop, charger, and other school items. 

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