Book & Equipment Returns & Yearbook Pick Ups

Andy Vaughan

Dear Parents/Students,

Next week on Tuesday 1 June and Wednesday 2 June, we will be completing the end of year book and equipment drop off and yearbook pickups for students in G9-11. 

Here are some key points for returns this year:

  1. Please sign up in a 30 minute slot to return your books and equipment on either Tuesday 1 June or 2nd of June. Sign up via this form. If you have not signed up in a time slot you will be asked to sign up prior to entering the drop off zone as we need to ensure that we keep a record of all students attending.
  2. Students departing ISB permanently can return books on either of these days, but can also return items on 10/11 June as part of their final check out. For students departing ISB and leaving Thailand before the end of the school year, Mr. Vaughan will be in touch with you.
  3. Students in their first year of an IB course do not need to return books for their IB subject.
  4. All Grade 9 & 10 students need to return all books and equipment for all subjects
  5. All books need to be returned in a clearly named bag (Student Name and ID Number).
  6. Any equipment that has been loaned through virtual school, any borrowed instruments, cameras, tablets or other equipment loaned, needs to be returned on these dates as per your teachers instructions.
  7. Once each student has returned their books and equipment they will receive their yearbook.

COVID measures

Please note the following covid measures we have in place to protect you and our staff:

  • We can only have a limited number of students attend the drop off at a specific time, therefore students must sign up for a 30 minutes slot
  • Please wear a mask at all times when coming onto campus.
  • Please come by yourself when returning your books.
  • When arriving, do not mingle with any other students and remain socially distanced at all times.
  • Please use alcohol hand sanitiser upon arrival and as you leave.
  • If you are not well or have a fever, do not come on campus. If you are unable to attend at your time, please contact Mr. Vaughan.
  • If you have been in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID, do not come into school and we will arrange a way to pick up your materials.

For any questions, please contact Andy Vaughan (

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