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Class of 2021 and Panthers

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Thank you to everyone who stood outside their houses and apartments in the Nichada Thani community to cheer and celebrate our seniors as they did a ‘lap of honor’ around the lake and up towards the Villa supermarket.  Our very own Panther ‘Spirit’ led the golf cart parade around Nichada and back to campus where seniors collected Yearbooks and their graduation photos. 

Leaving car park

Time lapse 10 sec video of parade

You can watch their graduation live on Saturday at 6pm by following the links in the next article. 

Justin Alexander
HS Principal


Leaving ISB before June 11th

Justin Alexander

As you will know, ISB will remain in Virtual School for the remainder of the school year. We will continue to run Virtual School following the schedule we have been using, following a Day 3 or Day 4 order of periods each day 

Parents who plan to leave BKK or Thailand prior to June 11th are asked to contact Mr. Justin Alexander (High School Principal) via email with details of departure dates etc. Students that leave before the end of school year will still be able to join their classmates and their teachers via zoom online.


Graduation details – Saturday 6pm
Justin Alexander

Please join us on Saturday at 6pm on one of these links to watch the Class of 2021 graduate.

Please share the links with your family and friends.

  1. ISB website
  2. ISB Youtube channel or 
  3. ISB Facebook live


Book & Equipment Returns & Yearbook Pick Ups.
Andy Vaughan

Dear Parents/Students,

Next week on Tuesday 1 June and Wednesday 2 June, we will be completing the end of year book and equipment drop off and yearbook pickups for students in G9-11. 

Here are some key points for returns this year:

  1. Please sign up in a 30 minute slot to return your books and equipment on either Tuesday 1 June or 2nd of June. Sign up via this form. If you have not signed up in a time slot you will be asked to sign up prior to entering the drop off zone as we need to ensure that we keep a record of all students attending.
  2. Students departing ISB permanently can return books on either of these days, but can also return items on 10/11 June as part of their final check out. For students departing ISB and leaving Thailand before the end of the school year, Mr. Vaughan will be in touch with you.
  3. Students in their first year of an IB course do not need to return books for their IB subject.
  4. All Grade 9 & 10 students need to return all books and equipment for all subjects
  5. All books need to be returned in a clearly named bag (Student Name and ID Number).
  6. Any equipment that has been loaned through virtual school, any borrowed instruments, cameras, tablets or other equipment loaned, needs to be returned on these dates as per your teachers instructions.
  7. Once each student has returned their books and equipment they will receive their yearbook.

COVID measures
Please note the following covid measures we have in place to protect you and our staff:

  • We can only have a limited number of students attend the drop off at a specific time, therefore students must sign up for a 30 minutes slot
  • Please wear a mask at all times when coming onto campus.
  • Please come by yourself when returning your books.
  • When arriving, do not mingle with any other students and remain socially distanced at all times.
  • Please use alcohol hand sanitiser upon arrival and as you leave.
  • If you are not well or have a fever, do not come on campus. If you are unable to attend at your time, please contact Mr. Vaughan.
  • If you have been in contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID, do not come into school and we will arrange a way to pick up your materials.

For any questions, please contact Andy Vaughan (


Schedules for 2021-2022 now Posted on PowerSchool

Justyna McMillan

Student schedules for the next academic year have been posted to PowerSchool. Please note we do our best to ensure that students get their preferred course choices. However, we do have to assign alternate courses in some instances where the specified selection did not work in the master schedule. 

Each course listed represents a single semester of study in that course. Courses listed twice are year long courses.

If corrections are needed, students should contact the counselor before the end of the day, June 11.

If the schedule has a notation to ‘See Counselor’ the student MUST contact their counselor before the end of the day, June 11.

Please note:
The master schedule still requires adjustment before school starts in August. It is possible that some classes will move periods or students will be shifted to balance class sizes before the semester starts. Students will have the first 8 days of school to make adjustments based on discussion with their counselor. Please note that some schedules will change in the first few weeks of the semester.


Powerschool will be ‘closed’ from 2nd June until 8th June

Justyna McMillan

In order to finalise semester grades and predicted grades for GR11 IB students,  Powerschool will be ‘closed’  between Wednesday June 2nd and Tuesday 8th June.  Final grades will be posted and available to view shortly after this date. 

If you have any questions, please let us know


Congratulations to all Awards Winners

Peter Assimakopoulos

Congratulations to all of our 2020-2021 Academic, Activity and Athletic award winners.  Here is the link to the recording of the evening if you missed the ceremony or would like to see it again.



News from the School Counselors

Jackie Valenzuela

Students 2021-2022 class schedules are now available for viewing in PowerSchool.  The list includes only the courses assigned to the student, not the period or teacher.  The master schedule will still require adjustments before school begins in August.  It is possible that some classes will move periods or students will be shifted to balance class sizes.  

Students will have the first 8 days of the semester to make adjustments to their schedule.  Their counselor will be available to discuss options with them at that time.  In addition, counselors are available through the last day of school, June 11, to discuss students’ schedules with them.

News from the College Office

Sonya Ohlsson

Graduating Seniors:

Seniors should be regularly checking their University’s website for Covid-19 updates (about what the start of school will look like, F-1 student visa info, registering for classes, etc.)  Seniors should also be checking with the Embassy of the country they will enter for university about Student Visas.

Juniors (rising seniors!):

Talk to your counselors now before the end of the school year because they will not be available during the summer!!

Summer Programs:

If you are wondering what to do during the summer, check out our summer program opportunities list on the College Counseling Google site: Summer Programs 

College Virtual Visits:

There are no more ISB college virtual visits, but that doesn’t mean you can’t virtually visit a college or university! Please go directly to the website of the university you are interested in learning more about and see what they have to offer. Remember, you are shopping for colleges, so take the time to check them out, see what they are about and if they are the right fit. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions to make sure they are good enough for you! 



Spirit of ISB Award Nominations – Spring, 2021

Anthony Giles

Dear ISB Arts & Activities Participants, Teachers, and Coaches,

The Arts and Activities Spirit of ISB Award is given to an individual or group in recognition of their pursuit of the International School Bangkok Attributes in their respective discipline. Being value driven, socially intelligent, self-managing, creative, globally minded and adaptable, nominees exhibit a transformation or growth in their area of expertise, a rise through adversity, a change in themselves, or causing a change in others.

The ISB Booster Club will consider all nominations received received prior to June 2nd, 2021 recognizing those nominees deemed worthy of the award at the end of year High School Assembly, June 11th, 2021.

If you were involved in any arts or activities at the High School this semester and have someone, or a group of people, who you feel exhibited transformation or growth in their area of participation, overcoming adversity, a change in themselves, or inspiration for change in others, please nominate them HERE.

Susan, Sarah, Bettina and Kelly on behalf of the ISB Booster Board


News from HS Library

Christopher Bell

Please click News from HS Library


NOTES & BOLTS: News from Design, Fine and Performing Arts at ISB

Anthony Giles

While a number of arts events have been postponed or cancelled due to the current campus closure, many are still on virtually, and we have even added a few! Please see the list below of what’s on and when to tune in. Note that there were some issues with the link given out earlier for tonight’s MS Choir and Strings Concert, the Panther Dance Performance on June 4th, and the MS band Concert, now scheduled on June 8th.     

What’s On…

HS BOrCh Concert – Aired at 6:30pm May 18th

ES Music Spring Concert – Aired at 6:30pm May 24th 

Legs 4 Legs Dance Benefit 2021 – Aired at 4:00pm May 25th

New Link: MS Choir & Strings Spring Concert6:30pm May 27th

Taylor Weidman on the Health of the Ethnosphere – 11:30am June 1st

MS Virtual Visual Art Exhibition – June 1st through September 1st 

High School Fall Musical Meeting – 3:00pm June 2nd  

Panther Dance Performance – 4:00pm June 4th (new link to follow next week)

MS Band Spring Concert – 6:30pm June 8th (new link to follow next week

ES Spring Concert: Panther String Ensemble, Orff Ensemble and Choir Earlier this week, musicians from the three ES music ensembles gathered together on Zoom for a virtual concert, sharing videos they have been collaborating on from home. Please enjoy the results of their hard work by going to this PLAYLIST! We are proud of these young musicians and the commitment they’ve demonstrated in seeing this performance through, against all odds!


Taylor Weidman to Speak on the Health of the Ethnosphere

Anthony Giles

11:30am Tuesday, June 1st, 2021 Join ISB Artist in Residence, Taylor Weidman, over ZOOM on Tuesday, June 1st at 11:30am, as he shares his work on the Vanishing Cultures Project with a focus on the diminishing health of the ethnosphere, specifically the rapid loss of unique traditions, practices, and languages in the 21st century. 

Taylor Weidman is a photojournalist and documentary photographer who has worked in over 40 countries over the past decade. During that time, he has founded a global non-profit, authoredand designed 3 coffee table books on indigenous issues, worked as a media consultant for the United Nations, received both Fulbright and Pulitzer Center grants, and photographed numerous stories for outlets including National Geographic, CNN, Bloomberg, and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to photography, Taylor also enjoys camping, hiking, snowboarding, fly fishing, traveling, playing lacrosse, and being a Dad to his two beautiful daughters.




Anthony Giles

 Join the high school fall production team on ZOOM at 3:00pm on Wednesday, June 2nd to learn more about next year’s High School Musical, and how you can get involved on stage or off. Auditions for the show will be held August 16-21, 2021 and are open to all high school students, grades 9-12. Questions? Please contact Mr. Giles, Ms. Fuson, or Ms. Price at,, or respectively.  


Fragrant City: Kitti Narod Solo Exhibition 20 May – 13 June 2021 Tang 

Anthony Giles

Contemporary Art is proud to present “Fragrant City,” a solo show for Thai artist, Kitti Narod, in its Bangkok space, which will run from 20 May – 13 June 2021. After “Joy Land,” this is Narod’s second solo exhibition with the gallery, which will present fourteen of his most recent works.


PAW PRINTS: News from the Panther Den 

 Anthony Giles

Panther Activities Refunds Are On the Way

Refunds for all cancelled Panther Activity sessions from April 6th onward are being organized via wire transfer for receipt by the end of the school year or before. Questions? Contact Lucas or Anthony at We miss your kids!!!


FREE VIRTUAL SUMMER SCHOOL – Registration is now open!

Maurilio Baron-Toaldo

With the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand and the ongoing closure of our school campus, the onsite ISB Summer School Program previously posted here will not be taking place this summer. In its place, we are now offering an optional two-week virtual summer school program at no cost to parents again this year.

There are a limited number of seats available so placements will be assigned based on the order registrations are received and each individual class will only be scheduled if there is sufficient enrollment. 

 Please note, the ISB Virtual Summer School Program is open to all students enrolled at ISB for the 2020-21 school year. New students joining ISB in August will be able to participate only if there are seats available; the exception to this is the Virtual MS/HS EAL Summer Courses which are open to both present and new EAL students joining ISB in August.

Purpose of the ISB Virtual Summer School Program: 

To provide students with supplemental academic learning and/or enrichment opportunities, and to provide some opportunities to explore areas of interest through a variety of virtual “camps”. 

Dates and Times for ISB Virtual Summer School 2021:

  • Opens – Monday, June 21st
  • Closes – Friday, July 2nd
  • Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Bangkok time

Students can sign up for an academic program OR the special interest camps, but not both. Please read carefully the more specific information provided about each program and special interest camps tentatively being offered and for the registration procedures on our summer school webpage.

For any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mr. Maurilio Baron-Toaldo
ISB Summer School Director


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