Parent Surveys- Deadline Extended to May 31st

Dear Parents,

By now, you will have received a couple of different updates on our newly revised parent feedback survey.  This survey is shared through the Panorama platform, and you will have received email notices and reminders from ISB Communications <>.  We are looking for outstanding response rates and have decided to extend the deadline for completing this survey to Monday, May 31st at 5PM.  We have over 800 responses, but we are hoping to get even more!  The better our return rate, the better our data, and the better our planning.

Panorama is a dedicated survey platform that is used by schools around the world.  Your family ID is linked to your students through the Panorama system, so you can respond based on each child’s experience if you so choose.  The results are shared with us without any link to your identifying information, keeping your responses anonymous.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences at ISB with us.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.

Warm regards,

Debi Caskey
Deputy Head of School for Learning

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