PTA Notices

PTA Executive Board Members 2021/2022

  • President – Dunke Tostevin 
  • Vice President – KJ Bakkejord
  • Secretary/Communications – Terry  Mutasa 
  • Treasurer – Clare Chen   
  • IFF Coordinator – (Aod) Somsak Sethaseree      
  • Adult Ed Coordinators – Beatriz Mayer and Vikky Johnson
  • ES Coordinators –  (Yok) Kochaporn Werojn and (Op) Kanok-On Hanwongpaiboon
  • MS Coordinator – (Rii) Pannarai Fuktakul
  • HS Coordinator – Yunxiao He    
  • Hospitality Coordinators – (Art) Aparat Leevongphant and (Tem) Supailak Chairoj
  • Popcorn Coordinators – Diane Zhao and (Celine) Siriluck Watewai
  • Welcome Wai Coordinators – Yoko Tominaga and Sunghee Ahn
  • Lost and Found Coordinators – Mila Durao
  • Host Country Rep – (Aey) Sawitree Dhamapong 

We Care!

The ISB PTA sends thoughts and prayers to those affected by the COVID pandemic within our ISB community. To those who are sick, we hope you recover soon, and to those who are looking after sick ones, we wish you strength.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the PTA Board members if there is anything we can help with.

ISB PTA Board   

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