Weekly Message From Principal Allen

As we look ahead to the last three weeks of the school year, I invite all families to take a moment to pause and reflect on the 9 elements of the ISB Virtual School Guide for Parents (below).  Identify the aspects you feel are firmly in place in your child’s virtual school experience as well as those that might be areas to discuss and problem solve together as a family.

I’m an ISB dad with two kids in middle school.  My wife and I reviewed these elements together and decided to problem solve “offset screen time” with our kids.  We made agreements WITH our kids about how they would spend the time between breaks engaged in physical activity…we developed a list of acceptable options together and welcomed their ideas. Our agreements became “the boss” and we revisit the agreement as needed when there are slip ups!

What might be an area you could unpack and problem solve together with your child to help ensure virtual school success these last three weeks? 

I would love to hear your virtual school successes, challenges, and problem solving strategies…send me an email!

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.

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