‘Celebrations and Golf Carts’

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Congratulations are due to our graduating Seniors who all walked across the stage this week in order to receive their HS Diplomas and throw their caps in the air to signify the end of their HS careers. Although they did this individually, we have recorded these moments to put together into the final graduation ceremony which will premiere on Saturday May 29th at 6.00pm on our website and youtube. Links for the graduation will be sent out next week, but in the meantime there is a great opportunity for all ISB community members to help celebrate our seniors by gathering on the side of the streets in Nichada on Friday May 28th during the 2nd ISB Golf Cart Parade. 

Parents, students, teachers and community members are all encouraged to come and stand on the curb/sidewalk to cheer on our seniors as they parade past in a convoy of golf carts in between 8.20am – 8.50am around the Nichada Thani complex. ES. MS and HS classes will not start until 9.00am on that day, so that everyone can join in the fun. 

Please remember to wear your mask and to practice social distancing and spread out along the roadside. You can read more details about the golf cart parade HERE and click on MAP and ROUTE to see which way the golf carts will go. 

Speaking of celebrations the High School Music department was able to present their BORCH (Band Orchestra Choir) concert on Tuesday evening virtually. This was a remarkable concert, interspersed with thoughtful commentary from ISB students about the pieces of music. This concert featured diverse and often underrepresented artists in the program and is still available for everyone to view via BORCH Concert Link

The other celebration coming up this week is the High School Awards night which kicks off at 6.30pm on Wednesday May 26th. Tune in to Awards night to see which students are recognised for their Academic, Athletic, Artistic and Service achievements.

Once again congratulations and best wishes to our Seniors. We wish them all the best as they ready themselves to embark on the next stage of their lives and make their mark on the world. 

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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