International Schools Assessment Result

In February of this year, ISB students in grades 3, 5, 7, and 10 took the International Schools Assessment (ISA).  This assessment is taken by over 51,000 students in 250 international schools in 61 countries.  Students completed assessments evaluating Mathematical Literacy, Reading, and Writing.  

The ISA provides teachers with information about each students’ performance in these four content areas and allows ISB to compare our student performance with other international schools around the world.  

Your child’s results on the ISA will be posted in the Parent Portal on Monday afternoon, May 24th.

To the right of each page of your child’s report there is a column with a scale marked at intervals of 100.  This is the “ISA Scale” for each domain.  Within each learning area, the scale has the same meaning for all grades.  For example, an ISA score of 450 for a Grade 3 student indicates the same level of proficiency as an ISA score of 450 for a Grade 10 student.  It would indicate a very high level of performance for a Grade 3 student in comparison with other Grade 3 students, and a below average performance for a Grade 10 student.

Your child’s achievement in this assessment is shown with a large circle on the column.  The skills, knowledge, and understandings typical of a student at this level of achievement are described in words in the text alongside and below the large circle.

You can find more information about the ISA program at:

Please remember that this is a single snapshot of your child’s performance taken at one point in time.  It is important to consider the results of this assessment in the context of other assessments, work samples, and information from the teacher.  If you have any questions about these results, please contact your child’s teacher or division administrator.

By: Debi Caskey, Deputy Head of School for Learning



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