Road Safety Survey Communication

Dear ISB Community,

Recently ISB and Nichada Thani cooperated to conduct a road safety survey regarding  Nichada Thani and the ISB campus. We are very grateful for those who took the time to complete this survey so thoughtfully.

Over 300 people completed the survey and a wide variety of concerns and ideas were shared.  The raw data has been carefully reviewed by ISB and Nichada Thani. 

ISB and Nichada Thani have met three times so far to discuss the survey findings and plan next steps. Initially, we will be focussing on improving the safety elements of the “school zone” (from the Aetna Clinic to the Sports Complex).

The top concerns and ideas from each section of the survey are listed below.

Main Survey Findings with Respect to Nichada Thani (Question:  What road/safety concerns do you have within Nichada Thani?  Please describe them (if possible), and provide suggested improvements.):

  • Speeding and overtaking on the roads
  • Underage drivers of (golf carts and scooters)
  • Road / walkway maintenance
  • Lack of enforcement of rules 
  • Disregard for (or ignorance of) rules

Main Survey Findings with Respect to the ISB Campus (Question:  What road/safety concerns do you have within the ISB campus?  Please describe them (if possible), and provide suggested improvements):

  • No concerns
  • Not enough parking
  • Disregard for (or ignorance of) rules
  • Lack of enforcement of rules
  • Stopping in the wrong places/ Drop Off Lane/ Stopping too long 
  • Roundabout congestion

General suggestions for improvements (What other comments/ suggestions would you like to make?):

  • Repair and widen walkways
  • Add walkways where there are none
  • Enforce Rules for speed limits and age / licensing requirements for divers
  • Train and empower Nichada guards
  • Parents take responsibility to inform children of the rules and enforce them at home

Please find below actions that we can all do to stay safe and improve the safety of our roads here in Nichada.  We ask everyone in our community to help us by:

  • talking to all members of the household about safety measures and rules when walking, biking and driving (including children, drivers, mae baans, visitors), 
  • following the rules of the road themselves, 

The suggestions below are from those our community shared with us on the survey and the Nichada Resident/ Homeowners Guide (currently being updated and translated into multiple languages).

Some key traffic rules to remember when driving in Nichada:

  • Anyone driving a car, golf cart, or scooter MUST have a valid Thai drivers license.
  • Parents must not allow under age drivers on the roads
  • The speed limit within Nichada is 30 KPH in all areas
  • When walking–one should walk FACING traffic (in the opposite direction that cars travel)
  • When biking, ride WITH traffic (in the same direction as cars travel)
  • The guards deserve to be listened to and treated respectfully 
  • Everyone should wear helmets when riding bicycles and motorcycles / scooters (Thai law)

We thank you once again for your help with the survey and your commitment to making our community as safe as possible. We will be in touch with news of progress.


Mark Hevland
Direct of Risk Management 

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