Message from the HS Principal

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Whilst virtual school continues on for at least a few more weeks, I can assure you that learning is also continuing, albeit in different ways than if we were in person at school. Students are continuing to watch, listen, engage in direct instructions as teachers are on zoom. Teachers are sharing their screens, facilitating student discussions individually and in break out rooms. Students are sharing screencasts, preparing assignments to share digitally, making videos and sharing their understanding of their learning with their teachers in multiple ways. 

Assessments are taking place through a variety of platforms and modes and students are still building on their knowledge and understanding as they work collaboratively with their classmates and teachers during their allocated class times but also on zoom meetings before or after school. I too have been able to engage with students who have conducted interviews with me about the schedule, virtual school and other topics and can see that our students are engaged, want to do well and stay on top of their school work. Kudo’s to our students and to our teachers for their efforts and work at the moment. 

As always, we are looking for ways to continue to improve the learning experiences for our students and are happy to hear any suggestions or ideas that you might have. Please feel free to contact your child’s teachers directly or any one of us in the HS Admin team if you have any questions or queries. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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