News from the College Office

Sonya Ohlsson


The College Office would like to express our warmest congratulations and best wishes to the Class of 2021! We are so proud of you and wish you all the best as you make your way into your future.

It’s been so exciting to see where our seniors have been admitted and where they are choosing to go. Many students have some tough decisions to make, which is always a nice position to be in.

For those who are on Waitlists, be sure you make other plans for now as you. . . Wait!

For those who are still working on their applications, please be sure you are in touch with your counselor and make sure you are filling out the Transcript (and other documents) Request form at least 3 weeks prior to when you need something. The brilliant Khun Fon will be covering the college office over the summer and she has years of experience getting all the documents you need sent to places like Korea and Japan, but you must fill out the form.

If you are wondering where the Class of 2021 was admitted (so far) please check our College Counseling website for the list. Scroll to the bottom of that page.


We asked all juniors to write a draft of a college essay and almost all have done so and are receiving feedback. We do encourage those who still need to turn their draft in to do so so they can also get some feedback on their writing. Waiting until the beginning of senior year is too late to start that process–ask any senior/recent grad–they’ll tell you that!!

Juniors should have also asked two teachers for letters of recommendation (and put them into their Cialfo account) by now. It’s important for teachers to know how many letters they are writing so they can plan their time to meet the deadline. Juniors, if you have not done this, please do so right away; teachers were expecting all requests to have been made by April 23rd.


We know that 10th graders are already thinking about college! We invite them and their parents to join us for our 10th Grade College Night presentation. We will have a short presentation and then a Q&A session.

6 May, 6:30-8:00pm

Zoom link:

College Virtual Visits:

There are no more ISB college virtual visits, but that doesn’t mean you can’t virtually visit a college or university! Please go directly to the website of the university you are interested in learning more about and see what they have to offer. Remember, you are shopping for colleges, so take the time to check them out, see what they are about and if they are the right fit. Don’t be afraid to ask them questions to make sure they are good enough for you!

~Sonya Ohlsson (she/her)
Head of College Counseling

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