News from HS Counselors

Shannon Leoni

This week was a particularly important and bittersweet one, as we said goodbye to the senior class of 2021. Our seniors had a final Zoom gathering where they attended various sessions and received helpful information and reminders before they head off on their next chapter. Session topics ranged from technology and information safety at college to breakout sessions with the college counselors. There was also a robust discussion on Life after ISB which gave students the opportunity to chat in small groups about culture shock and issues they might face as they move to new cultures and countries. Students were engaged and thoughtful as they discussed privilege, safety, and how to access support for mental health, academic and safety when they are at university. We have no doubt they will do quite well on their next adventures.

We continue to look out for the well-being of all students. The high school counselors and school psychologist created a video to highlight some of the challenges our community might be feeling lately, such as anxiety and depression. We know that virtual school can be tiring at times, and we gave specific tips that can help students to feel connected. We encourage everyone to continue to find ways to take care of themselves, such as regular exercise, getting fresh air, adequate sleep, and checking in on one another.

If you would like a counselor to have a chat with your child, please do let us know.

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